Sharing knowledge to accelerate social change

voluntarios sentados em roda
Jovens voluntarios em palco com microfone

Why we do it

At Rock Content, we care about the people around us. We treat the uniqueness of each person with due fairness and respect. We carefully listen to all voices and take action to transform realities.

We take pride in being conscious people who do their part to make inclusion happen. That’s why we have an active interest in sharing knowledge about social demands, groups and cultures that experience marginalization. This is done because we believe this is the right thing to do.

Also, we understand that the actual impact and authenticity matter more than personal intentions. In conjunction with experiencing and adapting to culturally diverse scenarios, we challenge the status quo. Possessing a comprehension of social demands means that each of us can contribute and have a direct effect towards the greater good.

What we do

For us, social impact means creating employability opportunities for people who, as a result of their gender, race or socio-economic status, experience vulnerable positions. This happens through the promotion of education; by enabling inclusion in the market; and by ensuring equity in business dealings.

voluntária escrevendo no quadro branco

How we make an impact


for our Rockers

  • Affinity groups: Afrorock, Inclusion Rocks, Roqueer & Women Rock
  • Internal policies, code of ethics, and conduct
  • Global diversity indexes


for the community is Rock Content's social impact initiative. Our goal with this is providing women, black people, people with disabilities, the LGBTQIA+ community, and economically vulnerable groups with educational resources that may support their growth and employability.


Our impact stories and numbers

Check out our Social Impact Reports! Learn about the stories we transformed and the results we achieved


Gabriela Crego