AI Efficiency, Human Creativity: How Can AI Help Us Write Better Content?

Updated: June 14, 2023
a women on her computer with the words AI

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As I write this, I am using AI. Actually, I am writing the full article without any AI support, but I have used AI-assisted tools. These tools helped me to select the topic, choose keywords, meta descriptions, and get a few suggested titles. I am human, and I write all my content, but I use AI tools to be more efficient.

My position, in a way, reflects Rock Content’s and WriterAccess’ positions (the marketplace we acquired one year ago). At Rock Content, we believe that AI can make our marketplace smarter and more efficient — while still relying on human creativity to produce the most captivating content. 

Much has changed in the last few months with AI advancements that have the potential to change the way writers create, optimize, edit, and publish content for customers like you. Machine learning and AI-powered content creation are getting headlines and capturing attention, day after day.

Here at Rock Content and WriterAccess, we’ve been closely monitoring the advancements. We’re testing, for example, AI-powered content editors together with image and video editing software. In many cases, such tools are truly helping creators to enhance their creative work. 

Overall, AI Comes With Several Risks and Potential Opportunities

I believe that AI can make our daily activities smarter and more efficient. AI is efficient at assisting content marketers with elements of the content creation process.

For marketing, when used with the right intentions and human supervision, AI will be a powerful tool in a brand’s arsenal. 

AI can generate several quick ideas and content topics as a starting point for content creators’ research and outline. AI can help generate titles and headers, ideas and brainstorming, meta descriptions, and then some.

We have even developed our own software that can make the content creation process smarter, better, faster, and wiser.

In fact, WriterAccess has led the charge with AI tools to aid the content creation process. For example, our patent-pending AI-Powered Style Metrics Matcher helps customers pinpoint writers who match their brand’s tone and style for orders.

Our new AI Content Idea Generator uses AI to help customers with topic suggestions based on previous orders.

The key takeaway here is to use AI tools to help you in areas where you are weak, like brainstorming content ideas, coming up with new titles, new angles, or even pitches.

The Importance of Human Touch

It must be said, however, one should not leave it up to AI entirely. It shouldn’t be a substitute for human writers, but rather an assistant to them.

While it looks like AI content generators have the power to speed up your content lifecycle, they’re not always the answer.

AI commoditizes content creation, while at the same time, it makes handmade content more valuable. It’s clear, however, that nothing replaces the human touch.

All in all, AI can serve as a remarkable productivity tool and assist with ideation, outline creation, and matchmaking. However, we believe that AI-generated content cannot replace the personal touch and depth that only human-produced content can provide.

We won’t allow AI-generated content on our platform and notify writers who use AI for content creation that their pieces will not be delivered to customers.

For all these reasons, I am pretty confident that writers will use AI as a tool to increase their efficiency and productivity, not for creating content.

Editing and Fact-Checking

AI-generated writing highlights the need for editing and fact-checking. Some recent high-profile incidents confirm that with AI — as with human writers — editing and fact-checking need to be an essential part of the process.

Just to share one of the many examples, Men’s Journal recently published an article written using AI that had plenty of major errors in health content; errors that could have more serious consequences than those in a blog post by a tech startup.

Originality and Plagiarism

If we consider the formal definition of plagiarism, AI content generation tools do not copy and paste content.

When someone uses an AI content creation tool to generate ideas or to write a blog post, the tool is using what it has learned from reading numerous pages to generate new content. This means that the content produced has been done so in an original way.

Google’s policies confirm that AI-created content is not considered plagiarism. Instead, it’s an original text based on the information available.

AI pulls from multiple sources to create the content users search for. The legal risk is, of course, that authors could sue for plagiarism of their original work if the copy generated by AI is too closely related to the original.

From a content marketing and SEO perspective, one big drawback of AI-generated content is that it’s not totally original. In fact, AI content generators simply collect and combine (nicely, I must admit) information that’s already available on the internet. 

Final Thoughts

So, while the content might pass a plagiarism check, it won’t contain original research, insights, or data. In practice, AI-assisted content creation tools can create simple pieces of text, but they are incapable of providing opinions or creating thought leadership content pieces.

Finally, AI-content generators can’t write about events or rapidly changing topics either. They also struggle with subjects that society hasn’t formed a consensus on, among them social, political, and religious issues. If you attempt to generate text on these topics, you might end up with biased, inaccurate, or out-of-date content.

I assume that companies who choose to depend on AI content creation software to generate their professional content rather than hiring human creative writers are making a calculated business decision.

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Giuseppe Caltabiano Rock author vector
VP of Marketing, Rock Content

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