How to Use SEMRush in 2024?

how to use semrush

If you know anything about marketing, you recognize that getting to the first page of search engine results matters. That takes successful and innovative keyword optimization. You will likely be stuck somewhere in the rankings desert without the right keywords. That’s why learning how to use SEMRush is vital.  According to research from, only […]

Health Content Marketing: 7 Insights to Stand Out in the Industry

health content marketing

In the past, medical etiquette has always discouraged advertising. Some worried that marketing would be insensitive to the nuances and complexities of health service delivery. Effective communication is essential for a good doctor-patient relationship, particularly when discussing cancer, obesity, sexual dysfunction, and other delicate subjects. Poor communication may raise doubts, false hopes, and unrealistic expectations […]

2024 Updated List of Health Information Resources for Marketing

health information resources

The U.S. healthcare landscape has been radically transformed as millions of previously uninsured Americans access coverage for the first time thanks to the Affordable Care Act. What an opportunity this presents for professional writers who sift through complicated information and conflicting opinions, making coherent sense of emerging trends. List of Health Resources to Create Accurate […]

What is Facebook Jail and How to Avoid It?

facebook jail

Social media has taken on a life of its own these days. It has become vital to family communication, fashion, marketing, and politics. Seven out of 10 people in the U.S. engage with social media regularly. Compare that to when sites like Facebook first became a thing back in the mid-2000s. At that time, only […]

How to Use Google Trends for SEO?

google trends

When it comes to improving your SEO, some free tools are worth the effort, including Google Trends. This program will analyze a sample of web searches done for a keyword or phrase and tell you how popular it was in the last 90 days.  One thing marketers get wrong with SEO is that trends are fluid. […]

How to Calculate Email Marketing ROI and Improve It?

email marketing roi

Do customers still read emails? The answer is absolutely. Try calculating your ROI with this easy formula to get more bang for your email buck. How to Calculate Email Marketing ROI and Improve It Email might seem a bit old-school, but it is still a valid form of content marketing. According to the Rock Content […]

How to Use Reddit for SEO: 5 Tips to Boost Your Strategy

reddit seo

When you think of “SEO,” Reddit might not be the first thing that comes to mind. Yet, the website reports more than 57 million daily users and over 100k active communities. That includes 13 billion-plus posts and comments.  That’s a lot of people spending a lot of time on a site some marketers don’t think twice […]

How To Start Dropshipping: A 5-Step Dropshipping Guide

b2b content marketing agency

Dropshipping allows you to own a company without worrying about ordering, storing, and managing inventory. This business model enables you to cut overhead because you don’t maintain inventory. Instead, you focus on marketing for your small business and customer service.

Bad Infographics: A Guide to Avoiding Common Mistakes

Creative thinking skills: definition and examples

Crafting compelling infographics requires skillful finesse. Yet, these visual tools frequently stumble into traps that dull their impact. This article reveals the pitfalls to avoid—overwhelming text, misleading charts, incoherent narratives, irrelevance, generic designs, and poor sourcing. Discover the keys to creating infographics that captivate and inform effectively.