The 66 best WordPress plugins to use on your blog in 2022

WordPress plugins are great tools to optimize the management and operation of blogs, websites, and e-commerce sites. SEO optimization, metrics control, and adjustments to online stores are some of the possibilities among the dozens of options available.

Updated: November 11, 2022
The best wordpress plugins to improve your blog performance

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WordPress plugins are additional tools that help the improvement of websites and give them additional important functionality.

These add-ons provide support for generating CTAs, to optimize page ranking and integrate your website with email and other essential platforms.

There are hundreds of plug-in options that can help a lot the daily routine of those who manage websites, e-commerce, and blogs.

These tools provide support not only to the maintenance of pages but also to automate marketing actions and other related tasks.

Among so many options, we decided to create a list with the true dream team of plugins for WordPress: check out the 66 most important ones, organized by category!

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CTAs optimization, conversion, and leads

CTAs are essential for blogs and websites to convince users to convert. In this case, they become leads since the action will make them share their contact information with you and then enter the company’s database.

There are many options for WordPress plugins aimed at CTA creation automation, managing buttons, and offering other support solutions. Check out the start of our list from this category!

1. Rock Convert

The Rock Content team developed Rock Convert a feature of Stage, to facilitate CTA banner management. It makes it possible to create custom CTAs for each of your blog’s categories and pick where you want to place them: at the top, at the middle, or at the end of your content.

Download the free infographic to understand how speed impacts your site

You can also create ad bars at the top or bottom of the site, integrate it with automation tools, and configure UTM parameters and events, then track conversion metrics in Google Analytics. It can also offer PDF downloads for posts, which delivers the content by email and captures a lead.

Start using Rock Convert right away!

2. Flare

If shares are among the conversions you want for your strategy, Flare is a very interesting plugin! It generates buttons that automate this action, publishing the post directly on the reader’s social media.

Start using Flare for free right now!

3. Contact Form 7

Another excellent alternative, Contact Form 7 creates forms for capturing leads. Everything is ready in seconds and it helps a lot with the company’s strategy.

Download and start using it right now!

4. Mailchimp for WordPress

Another great option with the same proposal: you can create fully customizable registration forms and display them in different places on your blog using shortcodes or widgets. This is a very interesting way of lead generation!

Download Mailchimp for WordPress and use it free of charge!

5. Q2W3 Fixed Widget (Sticky Widget)

In some cases, it is interesting to force some widget—for example, email capture—to appear when the reader scrolls down the page.

You cannot do this with just the native WordPress features, so you have two solutions: make code changes or use a plugin, such as Q2W3 Fixed Widget.

It is free!

6. LeadPages

Generate hot leads with this plugin that helps you create landing pages! You can configure them with forms that allow you to capture contact information that will become qualified leads.

Download now and use it for free!

7. OptinMonster

Optimize your conversion rate with pop-up customization! You can capture visitors’ names and email addresses, that is, simple leads.

Try using this free plugin in your strategy!

8. Thrive Leads

This is another great option among plugins for WordPress aimed at conversion generation. It allows you to add pop-ups, widgets, forms, and more to your pages.

In addition, you can create A/B tests with your forms to see which ones are converting the most.

Download Thrive Leads for free!

9. Form Craft

With Form Craft, you can create advanced forms for your website without the need for programming knowledge.

Before adding them to your website, you can run test forms to learn how the tool works.

Its cost is $39. Download it now!

UX and feature settings for blogs and websites

A good website needs to provide a perfect browsing and navigating experience for its users. Otherwise, those who access their pages will not want to spend much time there, which undermines the company’s strategy and weakens the website’s Google search results ranking.

In addition, it is also possible to customize the WordPress panel and its features to facilitate your page operation routine. You can find good WordPress plugins aimed at UX improvements and some basic adjustments. Check out our selection on this category below!

10. W3 Total Cache

This plugin helps you reduce your pages’ loading time, as simple as that! It does that by compressing the CSS and JavaScript files with some actions such as:

  • reducing access to the database;
  • using the browser’s cache;
  • applying a CDN service.

Download the plugin for free and make the experience of visiting your website much more pleasant!

11. WP Super Cache

The WP Super Cache plugin, similarly to W3 Total Cache, helps you speed up blog navigation with browser cache. It performs this job in several ways. One is through mod_rewrite providing HTML copies of the blog.

Another advantage of this plugin is the option to clear old cached files that are no longer needed, contributing to lighter navigation on the blog.

Start using it right away!

12. Widget Logic

This is the perfect plugin for those who want to customize the display or hide certain widgets on specific pages.

The plugin has some very interesting settings, such as a set of widgets to be displayed in articles about a certain subject.

Try it! If you like it, you can use it for free.

13. Regenerate Thumbnails

This plugin offers an important feature for the blog: it helps to resize its thumbnails, once WordPress has already generated them! If you decide to have different dimensions to adapt to the blog’s style and design, this tool can be very useful.

Add it to your routine now for free!

14. FooGallery

This plugin is well maintained and adapts perfectly to the new WordPress editor, Gutenberg. Its main feature is to allow images to be organized in galleries, with different templates to be applied.

In addition to all these positive points, FooGallery is responsive and therefore is able to adapt to any type of device automatically.

Start using FooGallery!

15. Imsanity

Do you know when you publish a page or article that has images but they never stay the size you want? To solve this problem, just download the Imsanity plugin, as it automatically adjusts the pictures’ size.

At no cost, start using this simple and functional plugin!

16. NextGEN Gallery plugin

Another great gallery plugin option! Not only does it create galleries that are more robust but it can also play slideshows of different photo selections, including lists in a compact version.

Download and use it free of charge!

17. WP-PageNavi

Not all WordPress themes have a page navigation feature. Some even do but they do not attract much because of their design. WP-Page Navi is one of the WordPress plugins that help to solve this!

With it, you can add the page navigation system to your blog and customize it the way you want!

Download it and use it free of charge!

18. Restrict Content

Do you want to create an exclusive area for your blog subscribers? The Restrict Content plugin is here to help as one of the most useful WordPress plugins!

With it, you can limit access to articles or entire pages to only users logged into your blog. You can also limit access through the type of users, such as administrators, editors, and subscribers.

Start using it right away!

19. Advanced Custom Fields

One of the most important WordPress plugins your blog should have is Advanced Custom Fields, as it allows you to create your own custom fields within the blog.

For most users, this tool helps to solve problems when creating and positioning text, email, and password fields, images, videos, file downloads, and others.

Download it and see how it can be useful. It is free!

20. Auto Excerpt Everywhere

This plugin allows you to display only a portion of the content in the text. This attracts the reader’s curiosity and encourages access to the post. It also allows you to configure this function with precision!

Through it, you can define the number of words of the complete article that will be displayed as a summary, set up a thumbnail image for the article, and customize the text of the “Read more” button.

See how it works. It is free!

21. Jetpack

How about using a plugin that helps you configure multiple functions on your blog? Jetpack is a real Swiss Army knife! It provides solutions for:

  • security;
  • visitor statistics;
  • photo galleries;
  • image or post carousels;
  • image optimization.

As if it were not enough to bring all these new features, it also gives you tips on how to improve your blog’s performance and security. Download it now!

22. Advanced iFrame Pro

This is a more advanced plugin and it is very useful for anyone working with iFrames. With it, you can develop custom iFrames and add them anywhere on your website.

In addition, you can also embed the content directly or show only part of the iFrame.

Buy the plugin for $20 and get started!

23. HTML Javascript Adder

Customizing your widgets is possible with this plugin! The HTML Javascript Adder allows you to place code inside any WordPress widget, such as a floating box that follows the visitor as they scroll the page.

Download it for free!

24. Sucuri

This plugin is aimed at increasing the security of your website. It allows you to configure all security settings to avoid risky situations.

The plugin has free and paid plans. If you think the free version is worth it, you can switch to the paid plan to try it.

Start using it right now!

25. WP-Optimize

Another great solution to reduce your database storage space!

WP-Optimize is a plugin that searches your server for data that is no longer needed and cleans this “junk” regularly so that your website loads faster.

Try it, it’s free!

26. Outbound Links

It is important that your site has links to other sites but it is also essential that visitors stay on yours, right?

One way to do this is to enable external links to open on new pages. This requires the Outbound Links plugin, which forces all of your external links to open on new pages.

Start using it now, free of charge!

27. Redirection

Does your website have many redirects? 301? 404? How easy would it be to organize everything in one space? That is what Redirection does.

In addition, it also has a very useful feature: create a 301 redirect automatically every time a post’s URL is changed.

Download it now! The plugin is free.

28. CoSchedule by Todaymade

When you have a blog with multiple authors, there may be conflicts with the publication dates.

CoSchedule works as an editorial calendar, allowing different authors to communicate with each other.

Thus, it gets easier to schedule your publications, in addition to possibly increasing traffic to your blog by publishing articles at dates and times that have the highest visit rates.

Despite being paid, you have 14 days to test it and see if it will really be useful for your blog.

Price: from $ 15.00 per month.

Download it now!

29. WP Page Builder

If you need a plugin that works as an easy and simple website builder, you have to try WP Page Builder. This is a drag and drop builder that can work either for experienced developers and for beginners.

You can design your WordPress website from scratch and customize everything along the way.

Check it out for free here!

30. WP Rocket

One of the most famous WordPress plugins out there. It’s one of the most powerful performance plugins that you can have. It features page caching, sitemap preloading, browser caching, Google fonts optimization, lazyload and a lot more.

There’s no free version, so the most simple version starts at $49.

Get it here.

Managing comments on pages

Comments are an important feature that WordPress provides to your sites. Especially in blogs, they are often used, so it is important to control and manage this feature. Some plugins can help you with this and you can check them out below!

31. Disqus

One of the best commenting systems for WordPress! It has some very interesting tools, such as voting on comments, adding images in the fields, and sorting by relevance or best rated.

These features help to engage the audience and increase your number of interactions, which is essential.

Download it and start using it!

32. Akismet

No more worrying about repetitive and automated comments on your blogs and websites! Askimet is an anti-spam plugin that allows you to keep only relevant comments in your articles.

Its use is so necessary that the new versions of WordPress already come with this plugin bundled in!

Start using it!

Social media management

Integrating your website with social media actions is essential. Such automation allows the content to be properly shared, which also allows you to simply set up any function related to your social networks.

See which WordPress plugins offer solutions for this need!

33. Simple Social Icons

Simple Social Icons is an easy to use and customizable plugin.

With it, you can display the profiles of your social networks, inducing the reader to click and possibly start to follow you. If your blog does not have a social media button, this plugin is mandatory.

Start using it. It is free!

34. AddThis

AddThis is a great plugin that you can add to your website to obtain more shares on social networks.

The result can be even better on blogs as it encourages visitors to share an article they find interesting.

This WordPress plugin allows you to choose several layout styles in a way that best suits your website or blog.

Start using AddThis for free right now!

35. Social Metrics

How popular is your content on social media? To know this, you can use Social Metric.

This plugin shows how many shares your content has had on social networks, in addition to offering a detailed view of everything you should know about it.

It is free and available for download!

36. TweetDis

If your audience is on Twitter, this WordPress plugin is a must! With it, you can add buttons or links in your blog’s articles so that readers can tweet them.

So, while they are reading, a box appears in the middle of the text suggesting sharing on Twitter with just one click.

The cost of this solution is $37!

Monitoring performance metrics

Analytics information is extremely valuable for a website. Following your metrics is essential to understand your blog or e-commerce’s performance and, from there, make the necessary changes to improve it. Here are the plugins that can help with this!

37. Google Analyticator

The plugin brings the most important data from your Google Analytics statistics to your blog’s admin panel. It does this with beautiful graphical representations that help you understand metrics such as:

  • number of visits;
  • bounce rate;
  • average session duration.

Start using it for free!

38. WordPress Popular Posts

This is a WordPress plugin that should actually be a native platform feature. Do you also miss a function that ranks posts according to the number of visits?

This is what WordPress Popular Posts do! It counts the number of visits from each article and displays a customizable list of the top posts.

This plugin’s widget can display the article thumbnails, the number of visits, author, category, and other interesting information about the article. The posts can be displayed considering daily, weekly, or the number of visits since the beginning of the count.

Download the plugin!

39. Google Analytics for WordPress

Essential! This is the best way to define Google Analytics as one of the main online analytics tools for websites and blogs.

However, installing Google Analytics on your blog is a process that is a little tricky. Thus, this plugin makes your life a lot easier, as the installation is done in just a few clicks.

Start measuring your blog’s results right now. The plugin is free!

40. LinkPatrol

How many internal and external links does your website or blog have? If you have many posts, it’s hard to have that kind of control, isn’t it?

The LinkPatrol plugin is here to help and it offers total visibility over your links. It is worth the $50 investment.

Download now!

Tools for writers

Writing content on WordPress is not always an easy task but you can use plugins to help you with that. Below, check out the tools that can help with the daily routine of writers who use WordPress!

41. Tiny MCE Advanced

The native WYSIWYG WordPress text editor has several features to make a copywriter’s life easier but sometimes we need more than that.

That is where Tiny MCE Advanced comes in! With it, you can add advanced functions to it, such as font color and size settings, and adding tables.

This plugin also adds a feature to force WordPress to respect the line breaks that are written in the editor and not remove them when displaying the content.

Start writing more easily now with this free plugin!

42. TablePress

Do you need a solution that makes creating tables easier? Problem solved! TablePress allows you to add tables anywhere in your post using shortcodes.

Besides, the plugin allows your tables to have filters, custom sorting, and pagination, not to mention that you can import or export your content from Excel, CSV, HTML, or JSON files.

See how it can make everything easier for you. It is free!

43. Meta Slider

Create slideshows to display images related to your content! With Meta Slider, you can create presentations that are SEO-friendly and responsive in minutes.

Download it now!

Banner and advertising management

Advertising on a blog is one of the main ways to monetize it! Creating content can be profitable if you know how to take advantage of the spaces on the page to advertise to partners. If that is your goal, it is essential to use WordPress plugins that help with that task.

Check out a tool that can help you work with these features!

44. WP-Insert

The WP-Insert plugin is intended to manage advertising on blogs. With it, you can add the HTML, CSS, or JavaScript codes of products or services that are sponsoring your content.

It allows you to place advertising anywhere on your blog, whether above, below, or on the sides of your articles’ content, in addition to facilitating A/B tests.

See how useful it can be, especially since it is free!

45. Easy Affiliate Links

If you deal with affiliate marketing, this plugin can make your link tracking easier. With it, you can manage both cloaked and non-cloaked links, create short links, assign categories, export links to XML files, and much more.

There’s a paid premium version with more features, such as insights, broken links checker, and more.

Try the free version here!

SEO adjustments

Optimizing your website on WordPress so that it is better ranked on Google is essential! This is a very common demand and one that requires small improvements but it makes all the difference to your pages’ performance.

Check our list of the best WordPress plugins with a focus on SEO below!

46. Yoast SEO

This plugin is pretty popular and gives you a platform for a wide and real-time configuration of SEO optimizations for a website or blog. H2 and H3 titles, meta descriptions, and meta tags are some of its most basic possibilities. In addition, the plugin has a feature that checks your articles and shows you their SEO strengths and weaknesses.

You can download Yoast SEO for free!

47. All in One SEO Pack

One of the best WordPress plugins for SEO, All in One is a complete solution! In addition, it does not require extensive configurations and is very easy to use.

The most basic features are available to a free account. Access to the most advanced features is restricted to the upgraded plan, which can be worthwhile.

Try the free basic version!

48. ​​Schema Markup was launched with the purpose of creating and supporting a set of data to optimize Google’s understanding of the information on websites.

Thus, it can create markups in Rich Snippet that Google can display, such as:

  • reviews;
  • people;
  • products;
  • authors;
  • revenue;
  • events;
  • music;
  • videos;
  • voice search.

To do this, you can download the Schema Markup plugin that has this feature.

Start using it for free!

49. WP Social SEO Booster

Who said that SEO should be restricted to your website and blog? It can also be applied to your social media profiles.

The WP Social SEO Booster plugin is able to optimize your website for Facebook and Twitter!

Download it right now. It is free!

50. Rich Snippets

Rich Snippets supports SERP results optimization, which shows more detailed information than standard results.

Therefore, this plugin simplifies the creation of Rich Snippets, in addition to following standards.

Start using it for free!

51. Autoptimize

Your website’s navigation experience needs to be light so that it has better SEO performance.

The Autoptimize plugin “shrinks” your code so that it works and is indexed faster.

Optimize everything right now. The plugin is free!

52. BJ Lazy Load

Many plugins can slow your site down, and, in that case, cause you to get low rankings on Google!

The BJ Lazy Road plugin is here to solve this problem, as it tells other plugins not to activate if they are not visible on the screen.

Useful solution, isn’t it? Download and use it free of charge!

53. Broken Link Checker

Quality link building is essential within SEO and Content Marketing strategies. However, it is necessary that these links are always working so that your website’s authority is not undermined.

With Broken Link Checker, this task is easier, as it identifies which are the broken links on your website and notifies you via the plugin panel or email.

Start checking your links now with this plugin. It is free!

54. Google XML Sitemaps

Do you know what an XML Sitemap is? It helps search engine robots to crawl your site effectively and quickly. Therefore, it is an integral and fundamental part of your SEO strategy.

Once the sitemap has been created, you must add it to Google Search Console to better index your site.

Get started and download the plugin now! It is free!

55. Pretty Link

Did you know that an “ugly” link can be bad for your website’s SERP ranking?

When we say “ugly”, we mean a link full of numbers and letters, like this:

A beautiful and suitable link looks like this:

Pretty Link helps to correct your links, which strengthens SEO!

Start using this plugin at no cost!

56. Rel Nofollow Checkbox

How do you currently add nofollow links to your website?

Whatever method you use, Rel Nofollow Checkbox does it in a much simpler way. Just add the attribute to your external links.

Download and use it now, free of charge!

Solutions for e-commerce

WordPress is also a platform widely used to bring online stores to life. This kind of website has specific requirements that only plugins are capable of offering. That way, you can guarantee the operation is complete and functional!

See below the best e-commerce plugins that you need in this category!

57. Easy Digital Downloads

A great solution for those who have e-commerce! It allows any WordPress site to make sales, all managed through the plugin.

It facilitates payment management, as it offers a connection to PayPal and Amazon Payments in the free version! At the premium version, more platforms are offered.

58. e-Commerce Product Catalog

Making an e-commerce is a lot of work but, if you are looking for a simpler option, this plugin can be the ideal way to do that.

With it, you can add several products quickly and display them on different parts of your website. To do this, simply create a product and configure the catalog.

Download and see how it works. It is free!

59. WooCommerce

WooCommerce is the best solution to create a complete WordPress e-commerce. The tool allows extensive and specific customization for each business.

What’s more, as it is open-source, there are auxiliary plugins that can help make your e-commerce look the way you want.

In practical terms, with Woocomerce you can:

  • add and manage your products;
  • set up delivery forms and rates;
  • set up new products.

All this support is free. Start using it!

60. WooCommerce PagSeguro

Still talking about WooCommerce, this WordPress plugin allows PagSeguro, a platform widely used in Brazil, to be a payment option for the user.

It has three payment methods:

  • standard: the customer is directed to the PagSeguro website to complete the purchase;
  • lightbox: a PagSeguro window is opened for the customer to make the payment;
  • transparent: in this way, the customer can make the payment directly on your website.

This plugin is also free!

61. WordPress Simple PayPal Shopping Cart

This plugin is useful, simple, and objective: its function is to direct visitors to make the purchase through PayPal.

It creates a purchase button that you can add anywhere on your website using a shortcode.

Start using it, it’s free!

62. WP Simple Pay Lite for Stripe

This plugin offers Stripe as a payment platform to give the customer an extra option. First, it is necessary to create a Stripe account.

Then, install the plugin so that you can add a purchase button using a shortcode that looks like this:

[stripe name = ”Marketing Store” amount = ”999″ description =”The Complete Marketing Guide”]

The product’s value is entered in “amount” and is in cents, so the value of the guide is set to 9.99.

Thus, the visitor only needs to click on “Buy” and insert their card details.

Check out the plugin! It has no costs.

Responsiveness and SEO configuration for mobile

Mobile is a concrete reality in internet access today. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that WordPress sites run normally on smartphones and tablets. That is exactly why these plugins exist and you can check them out below!

63. AMP for WP – Accelerated Mobile Pages

Accelerated Mobile Pages refers to the browsing speed that your website or blog has on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. This can be considered a part of SEO since Google also considers a good experience on mobile as a ranking parameter.

This plugin takes care of AMP elements so that you don’t have to spend a lot of time making adjustments yourself.

Start using it for free!

64. Responsive Select Menu

Do you know what happens when someone visits your site on a smartphone and doesn’t have a good experience? They close the browser. Your bounce rate automatically spikes and your ranking drops.

To prevent this from happening, the Responsive Select Menu plugin displays your navigation menu in a more orderly way on smartphones.

Taking into account that smartphones and other mobile devices generally do not have a wide menu width, this plugin is very useful.

Start using it right now!

65. WPtouch Mobile Plugin

More and more people access mobile versions of the sites instead of the desktop versions. Because of that, your website must be mobile-friendly.

This plugin instantly activates a mobile version for your website. Taking into account the impact that this can have on your visitors’ experience, this is a plugin that cannot be missing from your relationship.

Download WPtouch and use it free of charge!

66. Rank Math

This plugin has been one of the most talked-about recently, in addition to being integrated with your site’s Search Console, it also shows which keywords are ranking on Google.

Access Rank Math here!

The best WordPress plugins were listed in this article, now it’s up to you. Start using the ones that make the most sense for your strategy right now!

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