7 Demand Generation Tactics to Add to Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Demand generation tactics need to be an important part of your overall digital marketing strategy to increase brand awareness, secure high-quality leads, and positively affect your bottom line.

Updated: April 8, 2022
Demand Generation Tactics to Add to Your Digital Marketing Strategy

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To create high-quality leads today, you need to find ways to generate demand for your product or service through marketing efforts.

These efforts can result in you expanding your reach, increasing traffic, creating buzz about your offerings, securing new high-quality leads, and positively affecting your bottom line.

Yet, what are the best ways to go about it to ensure positive results and business growth?

Buyers today hold higher expectations of brands, and showing them that your product or service is the solution to their needs can become challenging.

Demand generation tactics and strategies, then, need to be an important part of your overall digital marketing efforts.

Consider incorporating these 7 demand generation tactics to help grow your business.

    1. Utilize Intent Data to Locate In-Market Buyers

    Data is a powerful tool to use in your marketing, so it’s no wonder that intent data is important to any demand generation strategy.

    Intent data provides you with valuable, highly detailed insights into those prospects already displaying signs of readiness to purchase, marking them as higher quality leads known as in-market buyers.

    Essentially, intent data includes information on the interests and potential next steps of a consumer and can connect you with people already searching for what you have to offer.

    Access to such intent data will benefit your team, preventing them from having to invent demand but instead identifying and focusing on those that are already in-market and ready to make a purchase.

    The more you leverage the intent data, the better you can find new prospects and create content geared specifically toward them.

    2. Gain Authority by Producing High-Quality Content

    The value of high-quality content can never be overstated.

    Not only is a content marketing strategy vital to your brand with its ability to inform, educate, and influence purchase decisions of future customers, but it also can fuel your demand generation activities.

    The key overall is to create relevant content that meets the needs of buyers, fuels your inbound marketing initiatives and establishes authority.

    To build content authority, you will need to ensure that your content matches with your prospect’s pain points, content preferences, and readiness to buy.

    Start by developing your ideal customer profiles or buyer personas, then diversify your content offerings.

    Vary Your Content

    High-quality content that can attract prospects and build authority may include blog posts, downloadable content, webinars, podcasts, and videos.

    Blog Posts

    Use blogging to boost online visibility and attract higher-quality traffic. Let it serve as a way to engage with audiences and lead them to take some type of action, such as downloading content, signing up for a free trial or webinar, or other steps to continue learning.

    Downloadable Content

    Downloadable content offerings are lead magnets, often inserted within blog posts, prompting the reader to download the content for more information in the form of checklists, guides, presentations, infographics, or tool kits.


    Webinars can build authority by creating thought leadership. Your audience is more likely to opt-in to webinars to learn more about how to overcome common pain points or how your new service or product provides a solution.


    Podcasts capture the attention of your audience and can build trust. They are also convenient and often make information easier to comprehend and remember.


    As one of the more popular content types today, videos are highly memorable, easy to digest, and stimulate viewers to take action.

    In all of these, SEO will play a crucial role, allowing you to rank higher up on various search engine results pages (SERPs) and attract those higher-quality leads.

    Address Each Stage of the Buyer’s Journey

    You will also need to address each stage of the buyer’s journey with your content.

    • Awareness stage: Content needs to build awareness, such as with informational videos and blog posts.
    • Consideration stage: Content needs to educate leads, such as with eBooks and whitepapers.
    • Decision Stage: Content will need to nurture high-quality leads, including with case studies, blog posts with targeted keywords, and personalized webinars.

    3. Increase Efficiency by Streamlining Workflows with Marketing Automation Software

    To efficiently scale your efforts and deliver better marketing returns, leverage marketing automation whenever and wherever possible.

    Marketing automation software can serve your demand generation efforts in a variety of ways, including streamlining workflows to make them more efficient and cost-effective.

    For example, you can gain information on what your prospects are doing on your website and use this data to customize email marketing campaigns, as well as overall messaging to build demand and attract high-quality leads.

    Once leads begin to show more interest in purchasing, automation software can help you recognize and nurture them, leading to conversions.

    In addition, marketing automation tools can help you:

    • Delegate tasks and processes.
    • Monitor campaign performance and channel effectiveness.
    • Track sales.
    • Facilitate an email strategy, sending onboarding emails and action-triggered notifications.
    • Retain existing customers with offers and timely promotions.

    Look for demand generation tools that fit your marketing automation needs, benefit your productivity, increase conversions, and help you better engage with prospects.

    4. Partner with Industry Influencers on Webinars

    Influencer marketing is powerful today and can play an important role in your demand generation strategy, particularly with webinars.

    To boost your brand’s visibility and grow your business, consider partnering with industry influencers when creating your webinars.

    When looking for the ideal influencer to partner up with on your webinar, start by looking for those who already have a passionate following and maintain an authentic connection with their audiences.

    Review not only engagement rates but also the quality of that engagement between the influencer and the audience.

    Partnering with an industry influencer can help you build credibility with a wider audience and build more demand for your product or service.

    5. Boost Content Engagement with Interactive Content

    To increase engagement with prospective leads, offer interactive content to capture and keep their interest longer.

    Develop interactive quizzes, polls, surveys, infographics, look books, calculators, and more, all relating in some way to the needs or interests of your reader.

    With this type of content, your audience no longer remains passive but interacts with your brand.

    As a result, the interaction makes an impression and creates a memorable experience.

    Interactive content keeps prospects focused on your brand longer, keeping you top of mind and where to return when they are ready to buy.

    6. Focus on Managed Placements in Your Display Campaigns

    A display campaign can play an important role in generating demand for your product or service and adding to your growing list of qualified leads.

    The advantages or benefits include creating visual imagery that draws the eye of your audience, builds brand awareness, promotes what you have to offer, and, ultimately, increases ROI.

    The display ads themselves commonly come in the form of banners, animations, or square images with text.

    To benefit your demand generation strategy, you will need to not only create the best display ads possible but also focus on managed placements.

    Managed placements allow you to determine where to place your ads, allowing you to target the places where your targeted audiences most likely will be. 

    This provides you more control over who sees your display ads and is a successful way to promote your brand.

    7. Leverage the Powerful Technique of Display Remarketing

    Remarketing is a powerful feature that allows you to customize your display ad campaign to cater to those consumers who previously visited your website. 

    This involves tailoring your ads to show up whenever these visitors browse the web or use online apps.

    As a result, your brand stays connected to the targeted audience and continues to build brand awareness, bringing their attention back to you and leading to a higher likelihood of conversion.

    Remarketing overall is a powerful strategy for building brand awareness and boosting conversion rates

    It is also highly cost-effective and can help you improve the relevancy of your display ads.

    Wrap Up

    Demand generation tactics can dramatically grow your business, so spending time on them will be beneficial. 

    The suggested tactics listed above focus on ways to bring in more potential customers and grow their interest in your brand and what you have to offer.

    To recap, you can use intent data to locate in-market buyers, build authority with high-quality content, increase engagement with interactive content, use marketing automation to streamline workflows, partner with influencers on webinars, focus on managed placement of display ads, and leverage display remarketing. Which one, or ones, will you choose?

    To learn more ways to generate demand and improve conversions, check out our guide focusing on the value of interactive content!


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