How The Rock Content Team Uses AI

Updated: July 24, 2023

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Since its release in November of 2022, ChatGPT has changed the landscape of content creation as we know it—and as new artificial intelligence (AI) technologies continue to emerge, the lines between human-generated and computer-generated content have become increasingly blurry.

Yes, it’s true that AI has changed not only the way we write—but the way we think about content.

At Rock Content, we’ve been keeping a close eye on AI technology and its impact on the world of content creation. In our experience, AI can be an extremely powerful and efficient tool for productivity — and we’re already using it in some innovative and exciting ways. 

At the end of the day, however, it is my stance that AI will not replace human-generated content and will never be as creative as humans.

What, exactly, do I mean by that? If you tuned into my recent Marketing Backstage webinar, you already know.

But if you didn’t get the chance to listen live, this post will summarize Rock Content’s stance on AI and offer some insights into how our teams are using it to enhance efficiency and optimize content.

What AI Can (And Cannot) Do in Terms of Content Creation

It’s been less than a year since the first version of ChatGPT made its debut, yet we’ve already witnessed the incredible things AI can do when it comes to content creation.

From coming up with new topic ideas to generating meta titles, headings, and calls to action, AI has proven to be extremely useful in the content realm.

At the same time, there are some things that AI cannot do (and may never be able to do) — things that will always require the human touch to achieve.

Consider, for example, that AI tools cannot be relied upon to provide 100% factual information all the time. This has been proven time and time again, as fact-checkers have found major flaws and errors in AI-generated content.

Likewise, AI cannot create thought leadership content because it can’t write persuasively. AI tools are unable to reliably write about current events or any topics with rapidly changing information — and they fail at generating objective and unbiased content about social, political, and religious issues.

As I state in my Marketing Backstage webinar, AI content generation will not replace humans, but it will make them more powerful.

When used for research and ideation, AI tools can make content creation more efficient and effective. However, great content will always require fact-checking, editing, and creation by real people.

How Rock Content Utilizes AI to Improve Content Effectiveness

At Rock Content, we don’t use AI to replace our roles as content creators — but to amplify and optimize our content-creation processes.

Real Examples: How Rock Content Uses AI

So, what are some ways in which our team at Rock Content is already using artificial intelligence?

  • Comparison – Using ChatGPT to create instantaneous comparison tables (including pro/con tables or similarity/difference tables). This can be an effective way to save time while researching and organizing information for a piece of content, though fact-checking is always recommended.
  • Tone analyzer – Using AI tools (like ChatGPT) to rebrand or rewrite content in a specific tone and voice.
  • Email titles – We have found a lot of success with using AI tools to generate eye-catching and engaging email titles, which can help to increase open rates and overall engagement rates in a marketing campaign.
  • White spaces – AI tools can be used to discover “white spaces,” or areas where content from the competition is lacking on a specific subject. This is a great way to brainstorm new content ideas that have not yet been covered or that could be covered in a new way to reach an audience.
  • CTAs – AI tools are effective in writing strong calls-to-action when correctly prompted. Effective calls-to-action can help to increase conversions, making it easier to reach new potential customers or clients.

These are just a few examples of the many ways in which our own team has found success using AI to optimize its content-creation process and improve content marketing ROI. How can you do the same for your own content strategy?

WriterAccess and Content Cloud

Rock Content is also proud to have acquired WriterAccess, which is now part of what we call the Content Cloud suite.

This innovative suite allows you to engage your audience, increase ROI, and grow your business by mastering content marketing with AI-powered tools and human-powered content production.

Specifically, WriterAccess is a marketplace of vetted professional freelancers who are ready to create high-quality content for your brand.

If you’re looking for content with a human touch, you can’t go wrong with WriterAccess not just for content writers, but for strategists, designers, illustrators, and even animators.

Read also: How RivalMind Increased Their Content Production by 67% With WriterAccess

Also part of our Content Cloud is Stage by Rock Content, a WordPress site hosting and management platform that allows you to increase your organic traffic and search visibility. Meanwhile, Ion makes it easy to drive more conversions through the creation of interactive content.

Together, all of these tools and platforms create our Content Cloud. Combining the efficiency of AI tools with the human touch of creative talent, the Content Cloud is ready to work for you.

AI Content Tools From WriterAccess

We’re already witnessing the ways in which AI tools can create content more quickly and efficiently than ever before — but we know that nothing will be able to replace the human touch when it comes to effective and engaging content creation.

That’s why our community of more than 15,000 freelance writers at WriterAccess remains a valuable asset to any business looking to maximize its content strategy.

In addition to our team of vetted and experienced human writers, WriterAccess also offers a number of AI content tools to maximize efficiency and make the most of your content strategy.

AI Content Wizard

Our AI Content Wizard tool allows you to access comprehensive, AI-driven insights to save you time and resources when designing your content strategy.

With this easy-to-use tool, you can get a quick and detailed assessment of which content you need to create for a maximum return on your investment.

AI Content Idea Generator

Having a hard time brainstorming topics that will be the most engaging and interesting for your target audience? 

Give our AI Content Idea Generator a try and find timely, relevant topics to help you build an engaging and thoughtful content asset. This is a great way to get out of that brainstorming rut and apply some tried-and-true strategies to your ideation process.

AI-Powered Writer Search

With more than 15,000 freelance writers on our platform, finding the right content writer for your next project may feel like finding a needle in a haystack.

However, with our AI-Powered Writer Search feature, it doesn’t have to be that complicated.

This tool makes it quick and easy to match your content needs with the perfect candidate in just a few clicks—so use them to save yourself some time and hassle while still finding the skilled writer you need for your next content piece.

AI Persona Builder

You already know that understanding your audience is a vital component of your content marketing strategy.

However, taking the time to write and develop audience personas can be time-consuming.

With WriterAccess’s AI Persona Builder, you can effortlessly create a unique persona tailored precisely to your content based on real data — so you can spend less time developing personas and more time focusing on other important areas of your content strategy.

AI Content Detector

When you’re spending your marketing dollars on human-written content, the last thing you want is to worry about receiving AI-generated content.

When you work with WriterAccess for your content needs, you can take advantage of our highly accurate AI Content Detector Tool, which scans all content submitted by our writers and flags any content that is created by AI.

The result? You can rest assured that you’re getting original human content with each order you place.

The Bottom Line

Only time will tell the true impact that AI will have on the way we create content. However, if the past eight months are any indication of what the future holds, it’s likely that the content ideation and creation process is being changed forever.

At the end of the day, I anticipate that there will always be a need for that human touch in content creation.

Even the most advanced of AI tools will never be able to replicate what humans are able to provide in terms of creativity and accuracy. Still, AI tools clearly have a place in the content marketing realm.

From brainstorming and ideation to headline generation, comparisons, and much more — Rock Content is committed to blending the best of both worlds.

Keep an eye on our blog for the latest on our adoption of AI tools to make your life easier and your content strategy more efficient. I also invite you to tune into our Marketing Backstage webinar to learn more about what’s going on here at Rock Content.


Human Crafted Content

Find top content freelancers on WriterAccess.

Human Crafted Content

Find top content freelancers on WriterAccess.

Giuseppe Caltabiano Rock author vector
VP of Marketing, Rock Content

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