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How to Write About Beer Like an Expert

There are thousands of breweries in America today, whereas just a dozen years ago there were only a few hundred. In fact(...)

alt Rock Content Writer
| 3 min read

Marriage Equality, By the Numbers

Marriage equality is a controversial issue in the United States, but like with Civil Rights in the 1960’s, the public (...)

alt Rock Content Writer
| 3 min read

4 Tips on Using Dual Y-Axis Charts

The dual Y-axis charts raise many eyebrows in the data visualization circles. They are often considered to confuse and l(...)

alt Rock Content Writer
| 3 min read

Stamen’s Map Stack

For a long time, making highly stylized maps has been an extremely manual process with tedious Photoshopping or drawing (...)

alt Rock Content Writer
| 2 min read

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