The Pros and Cons of Scatterplots

Scatterplots may not be used too often in infographics, but they definitely have their place. They can show large quantities of data and make it easy to see correlations between variables and clustering effects. As a quick overview and analytical tool, scatterplots are invaluable and work with almost any continuous scale data. Unfortunately, scatterplots aren’t […]
16 Memorial Day Infographics to Honor Our Veterans

Memorial Day is an American holiday for remembering and honoring war veterans who died during military service. Memorial Day was initially called Decoration Day, celebrated for the first time following the American Civil War. To help remember soldiers around the world who died for their countries, we’ve compiled a list of 16 infographics about war […]
Collaborating with Other Freelance Writers and Making it Work
Freelance writers have a tendency to work alone. The typical content services they offer are jobs that can easily be accomplished under their own steam. However, bigger projects sometimes come along that require teamwork. These projects range from clients that need a lot of work in a short timeframe to large personal projects that a freelancer would […]
The Importance of Networking with Other Professional Writers
Not everyone has the personality to work from home as a professional writer. It takes a great deal of motivation, dedication and perseverance to make an income this way. The ability to spend long hours working in complete solitude is a necessity. Many writers may name working alone as their favorite part of being a […]
The Dangers of Scale: Visualizing the Hills of Bay to Breakers
If you live in San Francisco, chances are you’ve heard of a “little” running event happening this Sunday, May 20: The Bay to Breakers race, having taken place every single year since 1912, is an institution. It is said to be the biggest party in running. Also, reportedly, in addition to the serious runners, there […]
Swipe Files: The Copywriter’s Secret Weapon
Imagine: The clock is ticking and the writing isn’t going well. Worse, it’s an important assignment for a client who’s prepared to deliver a hefty fee and a steady stream of work—if they like what they see when they receive your final draft. You need inspiration, and you need it fast, but where can you […]
6 Websites to Satisfy Your Daily Data Visualization Cravings
Here at we spend our days viewing, creating, finding, designing, and proofing data visualizations and infographics. By the end of each day, we have gotten our fix several times over. But not everyone who wants visualizations in their daily life has so much time to devote to finding them. If you are a little […]
Analyzing the Top 30 Infographics on Visually
Ever wonder what makes an infographic successful? Why do some infographics accumulate more than 1 million views and others, barely 100? We’ve talked about viral infographics before, from a creative process standpoint: the story, data, and design of an infographic all play a role in whether it will appeal to the masses, as does the […]
Building and Breaking: The Graffiti and Typography of Greg Lamarche
For Greg Lamarche, inspiration flows in many directions. Graffiti informs his typography and typography informs his graffiti. On a recent evening in May, he spoke to a few dozen art, graphic design and typography enthusiasts about what it takes to keep design moving forward.