How to use social media wall for events

Updated: March 30, 2022
How to use social media wall for events

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Promoting interactions is one of the mainstays of Digital Marketing. Companies that realize this are better prepared to generate opportunities, especially using the social media wall for events.

This strategy is successful, thanks to the capacity to stimulate people to take action and generate content about a theme.

In events, participants feel encouraged to interact and have their participation highlighted, generating valuable content for companies.

Around the world, major events have used the social media wall as an engagement tool, but it’s necessary to know how to use it properly to succeed in this strategy.

In this content, we will discuss the social media wall for events, addressing topics such as:

Read on and learn more about it!


What is social media wall for events?

Social media wall for events is a strategy that shows social interactions on a screen during events.

The proposal is to stimulate participants to interact with a specific hashtag, which can be published on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

A social media wall works as follows: it shows, in real-time, the latest content posted with that hashtag.

This way, the event can promote tweets, photos, text posts that use that tag and content from a Q&A session.

Why is this interesting?

This strategy is interesting, first of all, because of the possibility of generating interactions. Event attendees are always looking to interact and have their content shown on the screen.

These people love to see their photos with friends, their opinative tweets, and whatever other content is featured on the screen. Social media walls are a way to take advantage of this willingness to generate content.

Organically, it is possible to get interactions and, consequently, engagement. During events, this strategy helps to get your hashtag trending on social media.

Another attractive advantage is to be able to use this content as a way of promoting the event. At the end, you can even produce a corporate video with these interactions


How to use social media wall for events?

It is necessary to set some points to succeed in using social media wall for events.

From infrastructure to action disclosure, properly providing everything is essential. 

See how with the following tips! 

Set a hashtag

First, specify which hashtag should be used.

All content created by the attendees of the event must have this hashtag. Only with them the post, video, or photo will appear on the social media wall.

The promotion of that hashtag must be strong, always placing it in focus on important spots, such as:

  • on the social media wall itself;
  • in materials to promote the event;
  • in banners placed at the event’s location.

Encourage content creation

It is important to remind participants about the campaign constantly. Incentives make all the difference to the success of the strategy.

Engagement is the main advantage of using a social media wall for events. However, it is necessary to offer something interesting to the public, besides highlighting the content they create.

Gifts and prizes are a way to generate this interest and stimulate the creation of content.

Offer something in exchange for those who use the hashtag: draw lots among the profiles they published and think about other ways to please the audience.

Stimulating the creation of content also depends on the efforts of the event organization staff.

To do this, place people handing out social media wall materials throughout the event area.

These materials should explain how to post using the hashtag, indicating that the content will appear on the social media wall. It should also include information about the prizes, drawings, or any actions planned.

Use a big screen

Physically, the social media wall for events is a screen that will display all content as it is generated.

Therefore, it is essential to have a large, eye-catching structure that can be seen from afar.

vodafone social media wall
Source: Identity

Major events around the world have installed these big screens. Of course, the public is excited to see their content broadcast for the whole event to see, which is more of a reason to generate engagement.

play blackpool social wall
Source: SocialWall

Get a proper social media wall tool

Displaying the social media posts with the hashtags on the screen is an automated task. Specific tools generate them, as they are published.

Therefore, to use social media walls for events, it is necessary to find the proper tool.

Among some good options in the market nowadays, Rock Content’s Live Tool is one of the best. It can be useful both in face-to-face and online events.

engage's social media wall

Social media walls work well also with live blogging. It is common to encourage tweets, specifically during live streams, with comments and opinions from the audience on the subject.

This social wall will split the screen with the transmission that occurs at that moment. The audience can watch the content and read the interactions simultaneously.


What are the benefits of that strategy?

There are attractive benefits in using social media wall for events.

On these occasions, it is possible to connect to your audience through User-generated Content (UGC), achieving good results.

Also, social walls are used as a display to promote campaigns, brands, and sponsors. Learn more below!


Interaction is one of the main ways to generate engagement. The chances of having a successful strategy are high if the public is interested in appearing on the big screen.

Brands are always looking to have a closer relationship with their audience. Using the social media wall is an excellent opportunity to achieve that.

Organic interaction

There is a necessary investment in big screens and the social media wall tool. Still, the interaction of the public is an organic activity.

UGC is a strategy based on two points: encouraging the creation and offering a platform for promotion.

Thus, if the event staff knows how to promote the social media wall, there are increased chances that the public will engage in keeping this organic interaction.

Advertising space

Social media walls for events can also be an advertising space.

Attendees will be aware of the content displayed so that the organization staff can promote:

  • information about the event;
  • business pages on social media;
  • advertising about products and services;
  • sponsor brands of the event.

Using the social media wall for events is a growth strategy that generates interaction and the main achievement: engagement! Companies need to engage the public, strengthen their relationship with them — and UGC can be an excellent way to do this.

And if you’re looking for ways to increase your events ROI, see here how social media walls can be an answer!


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