Rock Stage’s hub: how it helps to decide about WordPress software?

Updated: May 18, 2023
Rock Stage's hub: how it helps to decide about WordPress software?

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When you start using WordPress (WP), it’s normal to have some doubts. 

Which is the best plugin? Which host is best suited for your needs? Which theme is better for your brand’s purpose? 

We answered all of these questions in the Rock Stage’s hub!

Accessing the information, you can see what is best for your marketing strategy

This way, it’s possible to create a blog and a site adjusted for your needs, and that will attract lots of leads.

You’ll also have access to reviews that will help you choose the best tools to achieve your marketing goals. 

How does this happen? We’ll answer you in this content. Check it out! 

What is Rock Stage?

Rock Stage

Rock Stage is a hosting platform based on WordPress. It also allows you to manage your sites and blogs to improve your marketing solution. 

With it, you can achieve your goals and automate lead generation.

Since it’s specialized in WP, Rock Stage can make tasks easier, so your team can focus on what really matters: your marketing strategy. To get there, the platform offers some services, such as:

  • premium hosting;
  • conversion plugin;
  • personalized services;
  • blog creation.

More than this, your site and/or blog has:

  • real-time protection and detection;
  • focus on performance and conversion to increase results;
  • constant WordPress support.

What is Rock Stage’s hub?

Rock Stage's hub

A hub is a site that gathers lots of information about a subject. 

In Rock Stage, it offers reviews about different plugins, themes, and hosts. So, you can decide which one is better for your website or blog.

Every item is WordPress based. This choice is due to the extensive usage of this Content Management System (CMS)

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For comparison purposes, WP’s powers 63,3% of all CMS market. If we consider all websites, the market share gets to 36%, according to W3Techs.

What info can you find?

To understand how Rock Stage’s hub works, you have to choose a software first. 

The categories are:

  • plugins: that helps you find the best to simplify your daily work;
  • hosts: that is crucial to keeping a high level of security and performance;
  • themes: that need to adjust to your needs and the type of website you want to have. For example, e-commerces require a virtual showcase of products or services, while other kinds of websites don’t have the same requirements.

After that, it’s time to compare details. Pick the favorites plugins, themes, or hosts. Then, understand the pros and cons. 

Each review is structured the same way. It has:

  • a resume of the advantages and disadvantages;
  • the pros and cons;
  • the score about the following aspects: easy to use, applicability, integration, features, and bug prevention;
  • the price;
  • the features’ description;
  • the user reviews.

At last, you can give your opinion. That is the opportunity to improve the hub and help other users to choose the best plugin, theme, or host.

Another important feature is the best 4 softwares in each category. They are listed in the “ranking” menu, and you just have to click the “read more” button to see more about them. 

What are the advantages?

The hub was developed to give you information about WordPress solutions. With knowledge, it’s possible to make intelligent choices. Also, install the best themes, plugins, and hosts — everything to make your website better.

More than this, there are some benefits to using Rock Stage’s hub. We listed some of them below.

Compare one software with another

When you see more information about some host, theme, or plugin, the hub offers the description, additional information, and reviews. On the right side, you’ll be able to compare with other similar software.

For example, you can compare Rock Stage with Pagely, Blue Host, Digital Ocean, SiteGround, Fast Comet, and Media Temple. 

Just click the “read more” button and see the description, with pros and cons.

To improve your comparison, click on the “add to compare” button that is on the right top side. A balance symbol will appear. Clicking on it, you’ll see all the software included in the evaluation.

The same symbol appears below each software topic. After choosing all of them you want to compare, it offers the score of each one of them and an overview with:

  • description;
  • brand/store;
  • availability;
  • user rating;
  • review.

It also has attributes with features, pricing models, and infrastructure. In other words, you’ll read everything important to make your decision.

Filter software accordingly to your needs

When you access a category, some filters are available. The sorting can be default or defined by:

  • popularity;
  • average rating;
  • latest;
  • price: both low to high and high to low.

It’s possible to filter accordingly to type, infrastructure, and services. 

For example, you can classify hosts as:

  • type: dedicated or shared;
  • infrastructure: high performance, security, or SSL;
  • services: cloud storage, support, or VPN.

Read reviews

All plugins, themes, and hosts have a complete review, with description, pros, cons, price, and more relevant information. 

You also have information about the rating and features.

Comment about WordPress software

Every user is able to comment about a host, plugin, or theme. To write a review, you need to give a score — from 1 to 5 stars. 

After that, write your opinion, name, and email. Then, click “submit”. Since it’s easy to make comments, you’ll have more consistent opinions to make your choice.

Use a user-friendly platform

It’s very simple to use Rock Stage’s hub. 

At home, you understand what the purpose is: “search, compare and choose the ideal software for your WordPress”. 

Clicking on one category, you see all the items included and can read the reviews. To make comparisons, just click on the balance symbol. 

If you want to access it through mobile, that’s no problem. The hub is responsive and retrieves previous information, such as the software chosen for the comparison.

Now, you know everything about Rock Stage’s hub. Since it’s focused on WordPress software, it’s easy to understand plugins, themes, and host features. The consequence is improved decision-making, which helps you to get better results on your marketing strategy.

So, want to see all the reviews and choose which software is the best? Access Rock Stage’s hub and sign up for the Content Cloud to get access to Stage and other well-rounded marketing features.


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