Examples of Content Marketing Services that are a Good Way to Get your Brand to the Top

Content Marketing services refer to different pieces of content you can offer a business to boost their results. We’re talking about blog posts, ebooks, infographics and other formats that respond well to a buyer persona's needs.

Updated: December 20, 2023
Why are Content Marketing Services a Good Way to Get your Brand to the Top?

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Content Marketing is all the rage now, and most businesses use at least a form of it in order to promote their goods and services. 

This opens up a huge marketing opportunity for those interested in working in the field but raises a lot of doubt regarding the types of services offered and when they are best suited.

So, what are Content Marketing Services, and how can they be sold online? 

We’ve prepared a complete guide in order to help you. Let’s get started!

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    First of All, What is Content Marketing?

    The first thing you need to know in order to work with Content Marketing, of course, is what that entails. 

    Content Marketing is creating high-quality content for brands in order to increase:

    To do so, you will need to learn the most important tenets of it and the logic behind why it works. 

    In a nutshell, Content Marketing functions because it gives customers what they want: information on how to solve problems, whether by themselves or with the help of your company.

    Numbers don’t lie, and they indicate that Content Marketing services are a great field to work in. 

    After all, according to 72% of marketers, it increases lead generation and gets brands up to a 60% consumer rate return. 

    It’s no wonder that over the years more and more companies started investing in this type of marketing to promote their business.

    What are Content Marketing Services?

    As the name suggests, Content Marketing Services are services rendered in Content Marketing. 

    Video content, white papers, podcasts, slideshares, email marketing and ebooks are all examples of content marketing services that a company can hire for itself.

    Examples of Content Marketing Services

    Below, we will look into some of the Content Marketing services one can hire or offer, and what each of them entails.

    1. Video content

    You probably noticed that, in recent times, a change happened on the internet. 

    With the increase in broadband coverage, videos became the go-to method to deliver information. 

    Thus becoming one of the most important Content Marketing services a business can hire.

    Video content, according to Cisco, makes up three-quarters of internet traffic, and places like YouTube and TikTok get a lot of visits daily.

    Video content is also a great alternative if you’re looking for that organic traffic

    Videos are more likely to get on top of search results and, because of that, are becoming more and more of a brand’s choices when it comes to buying content.

    If you’re in the market to offer Content Marketing services, you should be able to focus your efforts on building videos. 

    Whether by editing them, giving them a soundtrack or doing the copywriting needed for a good video, there’s ample marketing to work with when it comes to audiovisual.

    Creating short personal videos is a great way to start. 

    The more creative you are able to get, the more likely your videos are to become viral.

    2. Blog posts

    Blog posts are probably the best-known form of Content Marketing Services available. 

    They make up for the bread and butter of Content Marketing services, being the most sought-after type of content one can offer or hire.

    Creating engaging content is the best way to gather and maintain an audience for your brand. And that’s the most common form of work a copywriter can get online.

    Creating and updating a blog takes a lot of work and demands special skills — and that’s exactly why blog posts can be a very profitable line of work.

    Blog posts examples.

    3. Interactive content

    Interactive content has become one of the staples of the internet. 

    Have you ever seen an interactive calculator that checks the financial efficiency of your marketing? 

    That’s the work of a Content Marketing service expert, that has determined it to be of the interest of consumers of a given brand.

    Interactive content is different in the way it engages the audience, making sure users have to interact with a feature in order to see it working. 

    Quizzes and surveys are also a part of this category of Content Marketing services and can be offered to clients in order to increase their results with online marketing.

    Interactive content is on the rise and more and more marketers are using it in their strategy as a way to engage audiences.

    4. Email Marketing

    It might come as a shock to you but most brands still garner a lot of their clients through email communication. 

    Creating content flows that reach out to the audience in their time of need and present them with an offer they can’t deny. 

    Newsletters are also a great way to create rapport with customers and engage them, so there’s plenty of work for email marketing specialists when it comes to Content Marketing services.

    The major challenge is making sure your content is read. 

    So creating relevant emails and presenting them in a nice-looking way is foremost in order to get this done. 

    Email marketing example.

    5. Ebooks

    Ebooks are also a great Content Marketing service one can offer to clients. 

    They are more in-depth than blog posts, and that’s why they’re such a hit on the internet. 

    This free or paid-for type of content usually dwells into details about a subject matter, helping the reader decide on a product to buy or a service to hire, or even just making sure they get to know a subject well enough to navigate through the content market funnel easily.

    Ebooks need not only writers but also designers to create engaging and useful visual content. 

    And that’s where your Content Marketing services fit in, providing brands with what they need to create successful lead-generating ebooks online.

    Ebook example.

    6. Podcasts

    Usually, when the subject is Content Marketing we only think of visual content — like blog posts or infographics. 

    But audio content, such as podcasts, can also be found among the portfolio of Content Marketing services experts. 

    If you’ve never heard a podcast in your life, think of it like a radio show — but one you can listen to from anywhere and focused on niche content, like TV shows or even Content Marketing itself.

    This niche type of content usually attracts listeners from all walks of life and like any other content online needs a Content Producer to work on it. 

    This is where Content Marketing services fit in: creating the podcasts copywriting, visual design, and audio tracks.

    Podcast example.

    7. White Papers

    White Papers are reports that really get into detail on the matters they approach. 

    These documents, usually published by academics, have become popular with brands, as a way to publicize their knowledge and show their contributions to society.

    Normally, a white paper will go into detail on a solution that works best for a company. 

    Its main goal is to persuade the reader that the knowledge shown there is the best path to a solution.

    Creating white papers is a great way to build rapport with more experienced customers. But this type of material can be hard to build, because it isn’t meant to be overly promotional.

    White papers need copywriters and designers to get done, so those are two ways you can look into producing this kind of material. 

    Whitepaper example.

    How to Price Content Marketing Services?

    So, now that you know all about how Content Marketing services work and what positions are available in this area, it is time we ask the oldest question: how to price the services provided in Content Marketing?

    While it could be easy to give you a face value number and be done with it, things are not that simple. 

    As with other professional services, how much you charge for your Content Marketing services is going to depend on a lot of factors.

    We are going to take a closer look at those factors so we can reach an understanding of how much to charge.

    Professional experience

    Professional experience is probably the most important element when it comes to charging for your services. 

    The more skilled and savvy you are, the more you can charge. 

    That is simple logic, isn’t it? But it isn’t that simple when we look into the many positions available in the market.

    A professional Graphic Designer with no experience in Content Creation, for example, might make less than someone who hasn’t graduated in the field but has worked with content for a long time. 

    So, to charge a fair price, you will have to leverage your experience with other factors.


    It is true what they say, some markets are just better than others. 

    That is because depending on where you work, you might make a killing doing the same job you’d do in a less costly city for half the price. 

    The market you are inserted in has to be taken into consideration in order to charge a fair price for your Content Marketing services.


    Another important thing to consider is how much your clients or prospect clients are willing to invest in your services. 

    As a beginner, you might be surprised to find out that this is a question you must ask at all times. 

    Knowing a client’s budget will allow you to better price your services.

    Cost of doing business

    There’s yet another thing to factor in your pricing: the cost of doing business.

    You might find out quickly that what you charge isn’t adequate once the bills start piling up.

    In order to be a successful business person, you will need to factor in how much you spend on your equipment, tools (such as software) and any other important living expenses, like renting a place to do your business in or whatnot. 

    After putting together all those factors we have mentioned above, you will be able to charge a fair price for your Content Marketing services.

    Wrap Up: Offering the Best to Clients

    As you’ve explored various Content Marketing services, envision enhancing your brand’s content strategy with WriterAccess. Our platform connects you with skilled writers, designers, and content strategists.

    Whether it’s engaging blog posts, compelling ebooks, or eye-catching infographics, our diverse talent pool is ready to elevate your content game.

    Each service communicates uniquely with your audience, catering to specific goals. So, choose wisely, considering the nuances of your buyer persona. Before you conclude, here’s a thought: have you considered leveraging WriterAccess to fill any gaps in your content marketing strategy?

    Explore how our collaborative platform can bring creativity and efficiency to your content creation process. Dive in now and discover the WriterAccess advantage!


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