16 Best Free Content Distribution Platforms for Your Brand

Great content deserves to be shared and read by your key audiences. With the help of free content distribution platforms, you can help to circulate your content to the people who are most interested in reading it.

Updated: June 20, 2022
Best Free Content Distribution Platforms for Your Brand

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You’ve done it: you create a great piece of content that’s nicely written, well researched, optimized for SEO, and delivers a high level of value to your audiences. 

Now you just need to finalize your content marketing strategy and get it in the hands of your audiences and key target markets. Doing this, however, is easier said than done. 

Distributing your content is an important part of expanding your brand and getting more traffic coming to your website.

When your own blog isn’t cutting it and you need to find more areas of exposure, try out these free content distribution platforms. 

These resources will help your content get in front of more audiences and bring more attention to your brand. Check them out!

    1. Niche Communities

    A niche community isn’t a platform exactly, but it is instead a collection of different platforms that you can use to target specific segments of your audience. 

    Rather than hoping that your content will get in front of the right audiences through other types of distribution channels, you can use platforms like Quora, Slack, or Reddit to find communities that are focused around a single topic that your content can help answer.

    2. Owned Media

    Another platform that isn’t really a platform is owned media. 

    This refers to any type of channel or outlet that you have total control of. That includes things like your website blog, podcast, email marketing, graphic designs, images, and social media accounts. 

    Social media in particular can be a great free content distribution platform, so consider trying out a new account on a different app to distribute content.

    3. Earned Media

    Our final platform that encompasses a wide range of channels is earned media. 

    This refers to the type of media that you don’t pay for, but is generated through relationships and partnerships. 

    For example, if you have a piece of content that an influencer enjoys and shares with their network without you reaching out to them for a brand deal, that’s earned media. 

    Earned media could also encompass user-generated content.

    4. Triberr Promote

    Triberr or Triberr Promote is a social platform that is centered around the idea of “tribes”. 

    On the platform, people can join a tribe for a specific topic or industry. Once you are approved by the Tribe Chief, you can join the conversation and begin sharing content with other members of the group. 

    By sharing other people’s content in your tribe and helping to promote other people, your content can also begin to get promoted through the principle of reciprocity.

    5. BuzzStream

    BuzzStream is a popular free content distribution platform for those who want to get into influencer marketing but don’t have a PR budget.

    BuzzStream allows you to build lists of different journalists, influencers, or bloggers who can be a potential opportunity for your brand all while helping you create a great pitch. 

    You can then reach out to the people on your list with an in-platform emailing tool that helps track your metrics.

    6. Missinglettr

    If you struggle with promoting your content on social media, then Missinglettr might be the free content distribution platform for you. 

    It allows you to plan and schedule social media posts while also curating new content that appeals to the interests of your followers. 

    It will also pull posts from your website and blog and seamlessly promote your content for you with fun videos, animations, and GIFs.

    7. SocialBee

    SocialBee is another great tool for those who want or need help with distributing content across social media. 

    SocialBee allows you to use categories of similar topics or ideas that you can then bulk edit or post, which helps you keep everything organized and on schedule. 

    You can even customize your settings and requirements for each social media platform so that you adhere to best practices at all times.

    8. Quuu Promote

    Quuu Promote is one of the most popular free content distribution platforms. 

    It uses your RSS feed to constantly find new content that you publish on your website and then shares that content across different distribution channels like LinkedIn or Facebook. 

    It will also only promote content to real people who have subscribed to different categories of interest that your content fits into. 

    From there, people can share your content on their channels and increase brand awareness.

    9. Spitche

    Spitche allows you to tap into the potential of your current customers and audiences. 

    It’s a type of customer loyalty platform that will allow you to create rewards for your customers when they help to distribute your content and bring more traffic to your website or social channels. 

    With the help of Spitche, you can build out a dedicated content distribution network that is committed to your brand, products, and services.

    10. Agorapulse

    Agorapulse is a social media planning tool that helps generate conversions and traffic for your website. 

    It monitors the activity on your social channels and then uses that information to optimize the content and performance of your social media accounts. 

    It will recommend things like the best time to post based on the activity in your account, making it easier to find your audiences when it comes time to promote new content.

    11. StoryChief

    If you are looking for a great all-in-one content distribution tool, then StoryChief might be the best option for your brand.

    StoryChief allows you to create and launch content across many different platforms, including social media, news articles, blogs, and more. 

    Once you have content created, StoryChief will automatically promote and post your content to any linked platforms like your website or social networks. 

    It even offers SEO tools to help you make sure your content is optimized for search engines.

    12. ConvertKit

    Email marketing remains a great way to distribute content that is inexpensive and drives high conversions. 

    ConvertKit helps you utilize email marketing to the fullest. You can create assets like landing pages and sign-up forms quickly and then integrate those links into your emails. 

    It’s a great option for those who aren’t familiar with how to code but still want to create great email value for customers.

    13. Medium

    If you just want a straightforward content-sharing platform, then Medium might be the best option for your needs.

    Medium has a large audience of over 60 million monthly readers and an extensive list of categories and topics that you can tag your content with. 

    It even provides helpful reader statistics so you can understand how well your content is performing and give you an idea of where you can improve.

    14. Zest

    If you are a marketing agency or have an interest in sharing or reading articles about marketing, then Zest is a great free content distribution platform. 

    Zest will provide readers with a carefully curated list of different marketing content topics, which can be great for your brand. 

    And it’s easy for users to install, as it is a simple Google Chrome extension that connects to a user’s LinkedIn account.

    15. Slideshare

    Speaking of LinkedIn, Slideshare is a free content distribution platform that is powered by LinkedIn. 

    As the name might suggest, it uses a slideshow format that allows brands and businesses to share decks, presentations, infographics, documents, and more. 

    This can make content easier for audiences to digest and allows you to harness your professional LinkedIn network. 

    You can even create your slideshow on the platform and then share it on other channels.

    16. Scoop.it

    Scoop.it lets users create their own online magazines that feature content from topics that they have a preferred interest in. 

    Users can add a wide variety of content like news articles, videos, images, and blog posts onto a board, then share that with their followers. 

    You can engage with popular curators and encourage them to add your content to their online magazine and then distribute it to their audiences.

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    There’s nothing worse than great content that goes unread. 

    If you find yourself struggling with channels of content distribution, then consider these free content distribution platforms. 

    You can get your content in front of important audiences and get more traffic coming back to your website without needing to spend a fortune on paid ads and content promotion sites. 

    Distributing your content is an important part of content marketing, but another important factor is making sure your content has enough backlinks. 

    To learn more about how to generate them, check out our blog on link building tools

    There you’ll get a comprehensive list of some of the best tools available for your brand. 


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