Is Business Ghostwriting Worth it? A Guide to Hire a Ghostwriter

Discover everything you need to know about ghostwriting and where you can find the best ghostwriters for your project.

Updated: May 16, 2023
a female ghostwriter typing at her desk

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Just because you can string a few words together to make a sentence doesn’t mean that you do it well. And, even if you have writing chops, how long would it take you to keep your SEO content up to date? Do you have that time to spare?

If the answer is no, you are not alone. According to Zippia, freelancers add 1.3 trillion dollars to the U.S. economy annually, and 82 percent are writers. These people create well-written content that others don’t have the time or skills to generate. They are ghostwriters.

Ghostwriters provide brands with high-quality SEO content. This material increases companies’ organic search rankings, expands their internet presence, and gives their customers valuable, insightful information.

It drives traffic to their websites and increases revenue, helping them grow their businesses.

This article will show the value of hiring a ghostwriter to create your content and tell you where to find some of the best talents in the world.

What Is a Ghostwriter?

A ghostwriter is a term used to describe a person who is hired to write content that someone else will be credited for.

Ghostwriters can be used for any type of book, but most often are used for books based on the lives or experiences of professionals who have great advice and perspectives but not much book writing experience.

When you hire a ghostwriter, you are hiring someone who will write a book for you for a fee. They will take your ideas and notes and transform them into a publishable book that you will be credited as the author of.

Ghostwriters are great for many reasons.

They can help you save time if you are a busy CEO or entrepreneur, and they greatly reduce the amount of time you personally need to dedicate to the book-writing process.

They also have a skill set that many people don’t have, which saves you a lot of stress. And because you have a contract, you have a guaranteed book at a specific deadline rather than an idea you hold onto for years.

Is it legal to hire a ghostwriter?

Some people question whether or not ghostwriting is legal since someone is essentially going to be taking a claim for a book they did not write.

However, in almost every single case there is no law being broken by ghostwriting.

The only expectations would be in the case of published academic or scientific papers. Because you enter into a contract with a ghostwriter, they understand that their name will not appear as an author in the book, so there is no law-breaking involved.

What Is Business Ghostwriting?

A business ghostwriter is someone who gets paid to produce content for a brand. Companies hire ghostwriters to create a variety of content, including:

  • Articles
  • Blog posts
  • Speeches
  • Webinars
  • White papers
  • Books
  • Case studies
  • Social media updates
  • Video scripts
  • Ebooks
  • Product descriptions

Some businesses work with ghostwriters directly. Others hire separate marketing firms that manage these writers. Either way, companies benefit from relevant and compelling content.

Some of the best public examples of business ghostwriters in action are found in the world of entertainment. Influencers and celebrities turn their names into brands.

A successful brand needs an internet presence, and that requires content marketing. And, to put it in celebrity lingo, “They got people for that.” Those people are ghostwriters.

Celebrities are not the only clients putting ghostwriters to good use. Businesses use blogs to drive traffic to their websites and help them become authorities in their industries. Regardless of the author’s name, a ghostwriter is often creating content behind the scenes.

Benefits of Hiring a Ghostwriter

Hiring a ghostwriter is an investment that comes with many benefits.


Content marketing is a strategy that requires a certain skill set. Just as you may be an expert in your field, a ghostwriter is an expert in theirs. To put it simply, they know the business of content marketing.

They can turn an idea into an SEO bombshell that improves your search engine rankings and drives traffic to your website. Google looks for appealing, well-written content, and a ghostwriter provides it.

Time Savings

One rule of content marketing is that you must create a steady stream of material. That requires a quick turnaround in writing.

Business ghostwriters devote all of their working hours to creating content. Time is a commodity in business, and they spend it producing content on the fly. That gives business owners and managers time to do other things, such as serving customers.


One of the most challenging tasks in content creation is coming up with ideas. A ghostwriter can be someone to bounce ideas off of to see what makes sense. They can also identify niche variations on a general topic that would suit your audience.

Ghostwriting Is Scalable

It is possible to keep a writer on staff to handle content creation. The problem is that you have to keep paying the person’s salary when you don’t need new material.

Ghostwriting means outsourcing your content writing. You only pay for the content you need when you need it. You can also request large batches of content to cover several months’ worth of blog posts at one time.

Ghostwriters Are Business Partners

A ghostwriter is your partner because they only succeed if you do. They want to provide you with quality content that increases your revenue because that is how they develop lasting relationships.

Ghostwriting Creates Authenticity

Using ghostwriters will help create authenticity for your content. You need to have a consistent style and tone that readers come to expect. That is what will build a fanbase for you.

A proper ghostwriter works closely with the client to develop a voice and unify the writing. It’s their job to speak for clients by representing their style and voice.

Downsides to Hiring a Ghostwriter

Of course, outsourcing of any kind will have a few drawbacks. However, most of them are things that businesses might worry about rather than being actual disadvantages.


Businesses may worry that it impacts their professional integrity if they represent something as their own when it is actually ghostwritten. This is a serious concern in academic writing, but it doesn’t really apply to internet content.

In some industries, ghostwriting is an accepted solution to content generation. You also have the option to give the writer a byline or list them as a collaborator.

Businesses should also work closely with ghostwriters to ensure that they represent the mission and value statement of the company. A ghostwriter simply creates content. It is up to the business or a representative to develop the concept and publish the content.

Content Ownership

If you hire a ghostwriter to create content for you and pay for it, you own it. That should be clear in your contract with the writer or the platform they use.

The only exception would be if you decide not to buy the content. Some platforms require a non-publishing fee that allows the company to retain ownership of the content without paying in full. Again, these are things that should be mapped out in the contract.


Ghostwriting is a paid service, so cost is a factor. Mediocre content will hurt you more than budgeting for a professional writer. Grammar errors and poor sentence structure say something about your brand.

Crisp, clean, and insightful content is worth the money. And, if you can’t generate it yourself, hiring a freelance ghostwriter is a better option.

A ghostwriter ensures you have content that tells your brand’s story, reflects your voice, and generates leads. Many freelance writers are out there, but finding the perfect one for your brand is tricky. Fortunately, a dependable ghostwriting service like WriterAccess can help.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Ghostwriter?

While there are many benefits to ghostwriting, the major downfall tends to be the cost.

It’s expensive to hire a ghostwriter, particularly one who is a strong writer and can turn your vision into a reality. And since your name will be attached to the project, you want to ensure that your ghostwriter is great.

The majority of ghostwriters will charge anywhere between $15,000 and $80,000 for a single project.

The actual cost will depend greatly on the length of the book you want to be written and the writer’s level of experience.

However, most qualified ghostwriters will charge at the high end of this spectrum. The very high end of the spectrum might even include ghostwriters who charge into the six-figure scale, but this is much rarer.

How Do Ghostwriters Get Paid?

There is no regulated market for ghostwriting, so how ghostwriters get paid can vary.

Most, if not all, ghostwriters will charge a flat fee for a project, and potentially an hourly fee for revisions. They will then set out the payment terms, which most likely will be in the form of installments.

As they give you deliverables, you will be expected to pay them based on your payment terms.

Do Ghostwriters Get Royalties?

Not all ghostwriters will demand royalties.

However, there are some who will. Typically, more experienced and highly sought-after ghostwriters will charge a percentage for royalties and want to be paid in advance.

This isn’t always the case, so make sure that you check in with your ghostwriting candidates and see what their fees are.

Where to Find Professional Ghostwriters?

One of the most difficult parts of working with a ghostwriter is finding one. While some publishing houses and agents might have referrals for ghostwriting, it’s not a very common job for the ordinary person to come across.

Since there is no ghostwriter database, you’ll need to look in other places for ghostwriters.

Freelancing forums like WriterAccess are a great place to start your search for a ghostwriter.

There you can search through many qualified writing profiles to find someone who matches your needs for a writer. WriterAccess offers more than just book writers, but specialized marketing and SEO writers too.

You can also facilitate payments and deadlines from the WriterAccess platform.

Other places to look include LinkedIn or specialized ghostwriting agencies for a fee.

Who Hires Ghostwriters?

While many people have ideas for content, not all of them will hire ghostwriters.

Many people who make the decision to hire a ghostwriter are very busy, affluent professionals, such as C-level executives, consultants, entrepreneurs, and coaches.

Because these types of people have specialized skill sets and the money to pay for a ghostwriter, but not necessarily book writing experience, they are more likely to hire someone to write a book for them.

Ghostwriting Services

While most ghostwriters are contracted to write books, there are a few other ghostwriter services they might provide.

  • Blog posts
  • Articles
  • Speeches
  • Scripts
  • White papers
  • Manuals
  • Website copy
  • Press releases

Wrap Up

Ghostwriters provide an important service to people who have a great idea for a project but need help getting it to the finish line. If you are looking for ghostwriting or any other type of content writing services, look no further than WriterAccess.

And if you’re wondering why to invest in ghostwriters in a world with free AI-writing tools, you should know that WriterAccess is the perfect combination of human creativity and AI efficiency. No serious business relies solely on AI for content creation.

Try out our free 2-week trial to see exactly how we can connect you to the best ghostwriters for your next great idea.


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