More than a good user experience (UX) and functionality, it is necessary to guarantee the hosting security of a site that is on the web.
This is also one of Google’s ranking parameters.
Several points must be carefully considered when building a secure environment, especially when it comes to e-commerce.
A quality and secure hosting that values solid standards can guarantee the best conditions for the company and its customers.
In this post, you will find content about security in website hosting that addresses the topics:
- The positive impact of hosting security
- Safety and security parameters to look for
- The blockchain’s importance for Digital Marketing
Check it out next!
The positive impact of hosting security
Ensuring that a website is online and running properly is the minimum that companies expect when they hire hosting services. A reliable infrastructure is the one that will always be active, without suffering instabilities due to a high access volume, for example.
A website also needs to meet basic UX standards, ensuring that navigation is enjoyable for those who access it. In addition to the fast loading of pages, ease of finding information and good organization of topics, it is necessary to offer a safe environment.
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The protection of data, whether from the company or whoever accesses the page, begins with high-quality hosting. There are several service providers in this industry, which makes clear the need of going deeper into the subject.
For a long time, web browsing security has been a major issue for users. After all, how to know if the visited website is reliable? Especially in e-commerces, going through this barrier of distrust had been difficult and time-consuming.
Today, consumers are already more confident and aware of the subject, but companies must ensure that the web environment is secure. The hosting security guarantees that interactions between the company and its clients will be held in online environments that are protected and do not expose data.
Trust relationship
Cases of data exposure are increasingly common, and Facebook is one of the most famous. Mark Zuckerberg’s social media platform admitted that user data had been accidentally leaked.
This event put people’s personal information on exposure and decreased the public’s trust on Facebook. As a result of this background, many users deleted their profiles.
If a website with the size and relevance of Facebook could have its relationship of trust with consumers damaged, then it’s easy to imagine what would happen to smaller businesses.
Hosting security is, first and foremost, a guarantee to the user that they are not under risk when accessing a website.
People on the internet are looking for more than just good content and products that meet their needs. In this context, security is a must!
More accesses
Hosting security is also a factor that guarantees more long-term access to a website. Web users are already able to identify the security parameters and, when visiting a site that doesn’t seem secure, they usually don’t return to the page anymore.
Current web browsers can identify if the website fails to meet any parameter. Unsafe pages are quickly detected, and users alerted. Therefore, people are not likely to take the risk of continuing with access.
However, if a website was developed within hosting security standards, the user will naturally not be impacted by safety concerns. This will make all the difference for him to return to this online environment, especially if it is an e-commerce, where personal and banking data are shared with the company.
High-quality hosting service
The only way to ensure hosting security is to have a well-known provider with reliable parameters. There are several critical factors that define a secure hosting environment.
Whether the network is shared or dedicated, it must have resources that ensure safety in data transfer between users and pages. Before hiring a hosting service, a complete research helps you to find a company that can guarantee safety and security.
Luckily, you can count on Stage to get that covered. This marketing-focused web hosting provider is available in our Content Cloud, check it out!
Safety and security parameters to look for
Hosting security is associated with several parameters. A protected website infrastructure is only achieved when the right resources are guaranteed. In addition, the environment must be friendly for users.
The work on parameters starts with the very basic issues of hosting. First of all, it is necessary to ensure that there is no vulnerability in the infrastructure, in order to prevent any problem for the user.
The next step is to check the main safety and security requirements to keep the website protected against attacks and malicious actions.
Login and password
Because they are small details, login and password are not always considered relevant and decisive points when setting good security parameters. However, attacks are often achieved due to a lack of complexity in user registration.
The use of standard login names, such as “admin”, is a simple mistake that can be easily prevented. Passwords also need to avoid simple sequences; for example, “1234”. Instead, you should use complex passwords that mix numbers and special characters with upper and lower case letters.
Many users fail to set the access standards for hosting administrator accounts, which generates a risk that would easily be avoided. Then, it’s worth paying attention to this point!
The website management and hosting platform is a software that also requires the latest protection standards. For this, updates are indispensable, and it is essential to ensure that they are downloaded and installed regularly.
Like an antivirus, if not updated, the software will naturally not be aware of all the recent forms of attack attempts. When the platform has been updated with the latest version, it deals better with malicious activities.
It is also essential to pay attention to the use of additional tools, such as WordPress plugins. Only licensed and trusted developers can deliver risk-free applications.
Protection against malware
Computers with access to the hosting infrastructure must be fully protected against malicious software. Malware, for example, self-install to transfer important data to unauthorized people, who often act criminally.
Then, software and hardware should be regularly inspected to make sure there is no malware infecting the machine. The problem may even extend to the website, which will transmit this dangerous content to those who access the pages.
SSL Protocol
The SSL protocol is one of the most important security features a page should have, with the role of encrypting all the information that passes through it. It can be identified with a padlock symbol before the URL.
Just by looking to this graphical representation, users can easily detect if they are in a protected environment. Quality hosting already offers the SSL certificate, so it is essential to request this to your provider.
Limited access and permissions
Every valuable system grants permissions by levels, that is, the freedom of interaction and operation is limited to the point that makes sense for each job function.
Thus, access and permissions must be delivered to users according to solid parameters, in order to provide correct work conditions but no excessive freedom that could compromise security.
The blockchain’s importance to Digital Marketing
Blockchain is one of the leading security technologies and has gained prominence through its application in cryptocurrency transactions. It aims to decentralize information, which allows to remove intermediaries between the sender and receiver of data.
When we talk about Digital Marketing, more and more information is essential in order to measure results and ensure quality delivery to the public. Blockchain, throughout the next years, should help in this qualified delivery, removing the intermediaries.
The idea is a more direct and qualified communication between companies and consumers. The delivered data will be more easily tracked, making also possible to block the action of advertising bots that affect the performance of online campaigns.
Security and safety of hosting sites are a priority when placing a company on the web. This caution is the only way to establish a relationship of trust with consumers, which generates more conversions and loyalty.
Besides hosting security, you need to understand how your overall site performance can impact on your results. Check out this free infographic!
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