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Is Data Visualization Art?

Data Visualization is driven by data. Its form is often derived from optimizing the efficiency of inputting data (and in(...)

alt Rock Content Writer
| 3 min read

The Maps Are Art

The Map As Art, an exhibition at the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art, fortifies what many artists and data visualize(...)

alt Rock Content Writer
| 2 min read

Visualizing a Year’s Worth of Time

2013 is here, the world didn’t end, and as always, time marches onward. Time really doesn’t have any units t(...)

alt Rock Content Writer
| 2 min read

Motion Graphics: Q&A with J.R. Schmidt

J.R. Schmidt is a 23-year-old senior motion designer and 3-D artist at Firstborn, a digital ad agency in New York City. (...)

alt Rock Content Writer
| 7 min read

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