9 lead generation tools to boost your sales in 2022

Updated: April 1, 2022
9 lead generation tools to boost your sales in 2020

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In the Digital Marketing world, every marketer wants to find the key to driving more leads. 

To get there, they know they have to stop focusing on quantity over quality. However, they also know that this can’t be done manually.

That’s why it’s essential to look at lead generation tools, which can help your brand boost revenue and sales with automation.

Automation will reduce the effort in creating forms, pop-ups, and landing pages, as well as other strategies to manage your contacts. Thus, you can capture people’s information, nurture them, and convince them to get to the buying decision.

If you want to know the most important tools to drive leads, make sure to follow our topics!

1. Ion Interactive

Ion Interactive helps you transform your content strategy. With them, you can change your static pieces, turning them into fun, interactive content.

That means the content will require active participation from users, therefore, engaging them more

Your users will be able to choose what to see, define paths to follow, and get personalized information that matches their needs and choices.

Think of an ebook that shows people only what they choose to see, for instance. Or a quiz with questions that require their answers.

While people are using those tools and making decisions, they provide insight into their problems and pain points.

They will also give you their email address so you can contact and qualify them later. 

That means: by implementing interactivity, you can ultimately raise your sales. 

The types of content are varied, so you can choose what works better for you. 

Some of them are interactive ebooksinteractive calculators, quizzes, solution finders, and assessments.

So what are the benefits and pitfalls of those solutions? 

Let’s review the advantages: 

  • more leads;
  • better experience; 
  • better engagement; 
  • more brand loyalty;
  • shareable content. 

The cons, although, are the time required to get started with the application and a bigger learning curve. 

2. Hubspot Marketing

This leading Marketing Automation software by Hubspot will help you manage your demands to serve your customers better.

It’s useful to create forms, pop-ups, chats, and other strategies to capture users’ data. 

You can manage all your leads and make sure you’re working to convince them without having to deal with the efforts manually.

hubspot plataform

Besides, you can nurture your contacts and monitor every touchpoint in each channel. 

The application registers every interaction, so people don’t have to repeat information over and over again.

By logging everything, you will get to know the prospective customer a little more, which can be interesting when the team needs to personalize the message.

The pros of Hubspot Marketing Automation are:

  • ease of use; 
  • excellent customer assistance;
  • flexible pricing. 

The cons, on the other hand, are the configuration required at first, and sometimes it can be tricky to use.

3. Mailshake

When it comes to cold email solutions, Mailshake is undoubtedly one of the best. 

The software helps you with the automation of email marketing by personalizing and optimizing every campaign you run.

It’s also very supportive when you need to analyze data about how people react and behave when reading your messages.

The system gives you reports and other methods to visualize what’s happening. 

Another advantage is that it makes it easy to scale a campaign, which means the application follows your company’s growth.

By using Mailshake, your marketing team can leverage cold email approaches to generate more leads and manage them.

So, let’s go on a quick tour of the pros and cons. 

The benefits are 

  • easiness; 
  • an intuitive interface;
  • variety of stats on the dashboard.

The disadvantages are: Mailshake doesn’t allow users to tag emails, and it only integrates with Google solutions, such as Gmail.

4. Lead Forensics

What if you could track your visitors every time they come to access your website? 

Lead Forensics is a solution that brings that to life.

The team can get specific and precious details about those visitors, in order to begin a real communication. 

We’re talking about information like business name, online behavior, contact information, and demographics. 

Lead Forensics

You also get the numbers of pages each one visited, the time they spent on the website, the keywords they used to get to your address, and many more. 

This way, you can turn anonymous people into real, warm leads that can be delivered to sales later, therefore increasing the chances of generating revenue. 

The pros are real-time insights to feed decisions and proper filtering for those contacts. 

The cons: it doesn’t integrate with CRM, and it doesn’t provide insights about individuals, only about companies.

5. HotJar

Hotjar can help your company analyze data on user experience.

You have a dashboard with different forms of analytics, and you also can add info to the panels with on-site polls, surveys, and other strategies to collect data from visitors.

Inside those dashboards, one interesting tool is the heat map. It allows team members to understand how people are interacting with every page.

hotjar functions

What about the pros? One of them definitely is the fact that companies can record videos of users interacting with individual parts of the website. 

Also, there are always real-time insights on customer experience. 

The cons: there is a limit of pages to access the heat map, as well as a lack of proper filters on the panel.

6. Survey Anyplace

This tool will help you produce surveys and quizzes to attract users’ attention and generate new leads.

It’s a set of engaging forms to communicate with your prospective customers. 

Then, you can send them to your CRM or email marketing software to continue the conversation.

Survey Anyplace quiz example

Survey Anyplace enables the creation of responsive, exciting content that will resonate with your audience. 

By using the application, you collect a lot of essential data that your team will access later on dashboards. 


  • it’s easy to use; 
  • it has clean documentation;
  • it provides graphics for better understanding.

Disadvantages: it doesn’t communicate with other survey software, and the number of answers is limited. 

If you need more people to visit your surveys, you’re going to have to pay more. 

7. Intercom

Intercom is a live chat platform that is useful when the company needs to talk directly to visitors.

It uses automation with chatbots to be always there when customers demand it. 

With this tool, you can engage prospective customers and qualify those contacts before they come to a real person of the team.

It offers integration with platforms like Hubspot, Shopify, and others. The software also generates a ton of reports on captured leads and the number of occurred conversations.

intercom functionalities

The pros: it’s easy to install and to use. It also has excellent support whenever necessary. 

The cons: in some cases, it’s impossible to disable the bots, and they can be annoying for users. 

For instance, you can’t create a rule to deactivate them after hours. So, many times, when a visitor might need assistance late at night, they just can’t get to a person.

8. Unbounce

That’s a great software for creating landing pages. Unbounce is an LP builder with a drag-and-drop feature and templates to make it even easier for teams.

Whenever an important campaign is happening, and members ask for landing pages, you can quickly generate them.

You can also add pop-ups and use A/B testing to find out what works better in your scenario.

Another good point about it is the Dynamic Text Replacement technology (DTR). 

This functionality helps you change the page’s components to match the needs of a visitor by identifying the keyword they used. 

That means you don’t have to produce many different landing pages to meet the users’ pain points. 

You just create a set of options, and the software will switch between them whenever necessary. 

The pros: 

  • ease of use. You don’t have to be a coding expert;
  • you can add some custom features whenever you like;
  • it’s easy to customize the mobile presentation. 

The cons: 

  • the number of templates is limited;
  • the starting plan may be a bit costly for small businesses;
  • you can’t test pages created on other tools.

9. Marketo 

Marketo is another marketing automation software. With this one, you can attract leads and create a long, successful relationship with them, thus improving the quality of those contacts.

It also allows you to produce landing pages and progressive forms intuitively.

marketo dashboards

The benefit of it being a complete platform is that you can manage all your marketing efforts within one single application.

You can control SEO, email marketing, social marketing, and mobile marketing as well. 

There’s no need to transfer leads to another database since they are already where they have to be.

The pros: it integrates well with other platforms, and it’s scalable. The cons: maintenance can be very technical, which demands support. Also, documentation is not clear enough about the setting up.

Lead generation tools are powerful and handy solutions that can help you thrive on your marketing.

They are usually straightforward to get started and give you many options to personalize interactions and attract people to your brand. With those options in mind, you can move forward and increase opportunities and sales.

As you saw here, one of the strategies to attract more leads is using interactive content. See how an interactive calculator can do that for you! 


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