5 Best Personal Finance Blogs for Content Inspiration

Personal finance blogs are one of the top three trending niches for online marketing. Before you start running your own blog, you should know what else is out there to get inspired. Here are five blogs to help you start your journey.

Updated: October 5, 2023
personal finance blogs

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In general, the top three digital marketing niches are health, wealth, and relationships. While these niches are pretty broad, it’s easy to narrow them down into subgroups. For the “wealth” niche, personal finance is a bit easier to discuss. So, if you’re interested in personal finance and want to start a blog or website about it, now is the best time to do so. 

That said, before embarking on this new content creation adventure, it’s best to see what else is out there. This way, you can figure out what makes your content unique and how you can tailor it to meet your audience’s expectations. With that in mind, here are our picks for the top five personal finance blogs for learning and inspiration.  

    What are the Five Main Areas of Personal Finance?

    Although you can just start a blog aimed at personal finance, there are five unique categories within this classification. You may choose to start with one category and then incorporate more, or you can start your blog with all five. Since the goal is to draw as much traffic as possible, it makes sense to expand as you grow your audience.

    Here’s a quick rundown of each area and the types of content to create for each one. 


    Making money is a universal struggle, and everyone wants to make more of it. While it’s always possible to make more money, some challenges and obstacles can get in the way. 

    So, when developing content around this niche, you typically want to focus on tried-and-true methods of making money and how individuals can overcome those obstacles. It’s also imperative to be realistic with the results and the process. If you make the venture sound too much like a “get-rich-quick” scheme, it’ll likely get some backlash. 


    Everyone has to spend money on things like food, utilities, gas, and more. However, there are tips and tricks on how to spend your money more wisely. So, content in this niche usually focuses on how to reduce spending and stick to a budget. It’s best to offer multiple options since one tactic may not work for everyone. Also, if you can share your own budgeting tools or tricks, that helps build authenticity and a rapport with your audience. 


    Most people struggle to save money because their income doesn’t match or exceed their expenses. However, even those who are living paycheck to paycheck can still find ways to save. While it may not be a massive amount of money, a little bit can add up over time. Content within this niche should be advice on how to save, where to store money, and when to dip into savings. 


    Investing is something that everyone should do, but few people know how. The entire concept of investing can be overwhelming for some individuals, so it’s best to create content that helps them make smarter decisions about where and how to invest. This niche pairs well with the Savings niche because people should be saving money in investment accounts to accrue interest. 


    This niche is not as universal as others because it often speaks to those who have money and want to protect it from others. For example, someone who earned a lot in the stock market may want to limit their tax liability or prevent family members from taking their money. 

    Content within this niche should inform individuals of the different options available and what works best for different situations. Also, the content should be customized to fit a particular amount of money, such as several thousand or hundreds of thousands of dollars or more. 

    5 Personal Finance Blogs to Get You Inspired

    Knowing your niche is a fantastic start, but creating unique content can still be overwhelming for many. Fortunately, there are many routes you can take, and your content can be as diverse as your topic list. You can make blog posts, podcasts, videos, infographics, and more. 

    To help get a sense of what personal finance blogs are like, here are our top five options. While you shouldn’t copy ideas from these sites directly, they can inspire you to figure out how to make your blog your own. 

    Get Rich Slowly

    Most people promise easy ways to get rich quickly. However, J.D. Roth, the founder of Get Rich Slowly, takes a much more pragmatic approach. This blog has been around since 2006, so there’s a ton of useful content, and the site gets some high-profile visitors from the financial sector. 

    Overall, this is a fantastic foundational finance blog that covers everything there is to know about managing one’s money. If you’re trying to create a similar all-in-one site, this is a great place to discover ideas of what to discuss and how to present your information. 

    Debt Free Guys

    Personal finance blogs tend to take one of two approaches. The first is similar to Get Rich Slowly. The idea is to present useful information to help individuals take better care of their financial health. The second approach is to focus on the benefits of financial freedom. That’s the route the Debt Free Guys take. 

    While their advice is solid, it can have a more “salesy” vibe to it. However, they’re also helping people overcome their fear and anxiety surrounding money and debt, so it’s a positive message overall. 

    Clever Girl Finance

    Sometimes, the best way to learn about personal finance is to take a course on it. Clever Girl Finance offers free courses for visitors and a strong community of like-minded individuals. That kind of collaborative approach works well because it shows visitors that they’re not alone in their financial journey. 

    This blog also has content in various mediums, including blog posts, seminars, and podcast episodes. It has a more relaxed, breezy vibe to it, which can make it very appealing to those who may feel insecure about their lack of financial knowledge.  

    The College Investor

    As the name would suggest, this blog has two primary focuses: paying for college and investing for the future. While the blog also discusses other areas of personal finance, those are the two main niches it covers. 

    Overall, this blog is aimed at college students or high school students who may be about to start college. It can also appeal to parents, so they can teach their children about money before they head off and receive a higher education. The College Investor is a perfect example of a narrow niche that has since expanded. 

    Wallet Hacks

    Hacks are a mainstay of internet content, and this blog is devoted to “hacking” the financial industry to get free money and perks. Wallet Hacks offers articles devoted to topics that include bank bonuses, credit card rewards, and smart investing tips. After all, if you’re going to take charge of your money, you might as well take advantage of every opportunity, right? 

    Even with inspiration, starting a new blog can be a daunting task. Fortunately, WriterAccess makes it easier to generate content that your audience will love and appreciate. By connecting you with thousands of highly skilled writers from around the globe, you can supercharge your content creation process and build an audience that much faster.

    Whether your blog is brand-new or just expanding, WriterAccess can help you achieve your goals. Start a free two-week trial today and see how it feels to master your future. 


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