5 Rules for Customer-Centric Copywriting Your Support Reps Should Use

Updated: January 9, 2023

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Customer service quality is critical to building and maintaining loyalty. The smallest increase in retention rate (5%) can bring the company 23% more profit. Therefore, how the communication with the client deserves special attention.

Next, we’ll show you how to improve your user experience. And client-oriented copywriting will help with this. 5 simple tips will take your service to a higher level. So let’s go!

What is customer-centric copywriting?

It is a specific messaging tactic focused on the interests of the client. Considering them, the company provides a positive experience. Indeed, with client-oriented copywriting, all communication is built around the interests and needs of the user. Tactics help build loyalty, sales, and WOM marketing.

Customer-centric copywriting is widely used. And not only by support services but also when creating advertising materials.

The point is to put the customer first. What are his needs? What does a person want at a particular moment in time? How does he feel and how can you improve his emotional state?

Paying attention to such options, the company is able to provide impeccable service. And from the first contact. This approach shows the client that he is important to the company.

The brand listens to his opinion. And each time contacting the support service, a person communicates with people who sincerely seek to help. This is a skill that the company should develop. Next, we’ll show you how to improve it.

5 Rules for Customer-Centric Copywriting Your Support Reps Should Use

Be empathetic

It is important to understand that the customer is contacting because they have a problem. And so significant that the person decided to make efforts to eliminate it.

The real complexity of the problem is not important. You must learn to look at the situation from the client’s point of view. Empathize with him, support him, and try to find a solution.

The latter is sometimes unpleasant. For example, when the problem is not your fault. However, the ability to provide good quality service in such situations is an indicator of the high professionalism of the operator and the company.

This circumstance may seem unpleasant. But changing the point of view on the problem will help. People who see a more meaningful goal in their work become real professionals.

Simply by solving one problem of a person, you help him. Consequently, make his day better. And that is the emotion that your company will associate with.

Therefore, train managers to show empathy for the client. Sometimes it’s enough to say that you understand the person’s problem and frustration. It already matters.

The job of a customer support manager is closely tied to people’s emotions. By expressing them in response, you demonstrate that you understand the person and appreciate their experience. This is the foundation of a trusting relationship.

Empathy can also help mitigate negative experiences. Not every problem can be solved. However, showing empathy will show that you were eager to do so. The customer is more likely to leave satisfied and happy.

You will avoid angry reviews. Empathetic customer service representatives are one of the defining characteristics of customer-centric companies.

When responding to a client in the chat, voice his doubts and concerns. Express empathy. For example: “I’m sorry that you received a defective product. This is really frustrating. Please tell me your order number so I can study it and see how I can help.”

Study reviews

Understanding customers’ needs, fears, and pain points is the key to delivering great service. Reviews are the most striking manifestation of such. So give your customers the option to leave them. Try to keep your review as easy as possible.

The best option is to provide multiple ways at once. For example, on a website, on a social network and through a form in an email. You can also use telephone communication for feedback. Especially if the company has a hotline.

It is worth immediately mentally preparing for the fact that the reviews will be different. Some clients will write about excellent product quality and a high level of service.

Others may be indignant. Also, one day they can leave an angry review. The last two situations are unpleasant.

However, if you change your point of view, the gloomy reviews will no longer be something terrible. Positive comments speak volumes about the company’s strengths.

These are the things that bring people back to you. Negatives indicate weaknesses. This is your growth zone. By improving the quality of a particular parameter, you can provide better service and become a strong brand.

The main benefit of studying reviews is seeing the real picture. Some comments will be grateful. Others don’t. However, they all appear after interaction with your company. Sometimes the experience is like this.

Even the fact that you provide an opportunity to share experiences is important for building relationships with customers. Customers feel the company appreciates them and is ready to get better.

This builds trust. And mutual respect and understanding sometimes deter people from writing negative comments.

Think through the brand voice

Write to the clients in their language. Try to use terms and slang that your users use in normal conversation. Pay attention to the technical information. Is it appropriate to use terms? How many should there be?

Take some time to study this issue. Subsequently, this ensures that the person understands the message you are trying to convey. Moreover, the perception of information does not require effort. This makes your customer service experience more likely to be positive.

Just don’t exclude terms entirely. They should be present in conversation scripts in moderation. B2C companies are encouraged to maintain a natural conversational style. B2B should be more restrained, use a little more terms, and keep business etiquette in mind.

Build a strong customer support team

Customer service is about communicating with people. They seek help, other people provide it. The quality of service depends on professionalism, empathy, and the ability to manage the emotions of others. Therefore, service improvement should start with building a strong and professional team.

Remember that each product/service is specific. Do not fire an employee who once failed to cope with a client’s complaint. Give an opportunity to explore the product and buyers.

Train employees in important skills while developing professionals. Conducting training sessions will help in this.

If you are a start-up company, you may not have the budget for buying courses and certification yet, which is not a problem at all. Educational platforms like Skillshare offer free classes and courses, so you can upskill your staff. 

Remember that being a customer service professional requires some skill. Among those:

  1. Communicativeness. Self-confidence and the ability to find common ground with people are the most important qualities of a good customer support specialist. They allow you to convey your message correctly and maintain a positive tone of the conversation.
  2. Patience and compassion. Clients are in different moods. Some people are calm and rational thinkers. Others are emotional and hot-tempered. For some, a product that doesn’t meet expectations is simply not a very good purchase. It hurts another person so badly. Clients’ temperaments and emotional responses can be confusing. Patience will help the support representative remain professional and come up with a solution to a problem.
  3. Knowledge. Having information about a company’s assortment, product properties, prices, and loyalty programs is extremely important. This knowledge allows us to propose alternative solutions quickly. However, by giving the client the wrong information, you risk completely losing trust. Refrain from doing this. If the operator does not know something, then it is better to say: “I will consult with the team and give you an answer.”

Use a smart CRM system

Changes in employees, a large customer base, or large sales volumes can hinder effective communication between departments. The situation seems inconsequential. However, it is poor coordination within the company that is often the cause of customer dissatisfaction.

CRM systems can eliminate this. Information about interaction with each client is stored in his profile in the service, which is always available. This is a guarantee of high standards of service.

Modern CRM systems allow you to record all information about the client. For example, purchase history, wishes, product selection criteria, and order status. Plus, you can set tasks here. For example, indicate that the client needs to call back on a certain day.

Smart CRM eliminates confusion. All information is available 24/7 from any device. Even if the manager who worked with the client leaves the company, the order status data will be saved.


Brands don’t exist without customers. At the same time, the strength of the company is precisely its regular users. Therefore, customers are important. As well as their feelings, needs, and wishes.

You can endlessly create selling content and ad campaigns. However, people return to those who value them and care for them. Above, we described the steps that will help you start doing this and will allow you to manifest it in interaction with the client.

Once you understand the needs and solutions of your customers, you can even make briefing and delegate to ghostwriter experts.

Take care of your customers and they will support your brand.


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