So I Married a Freelancer

Updated: February 23, 2024

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Being married to or living with a freelance writer can be an interesting experience. There are pros and cons for both the freelance writer and his or her partner. If you are planning to begin a long-term relationship with a freelance writer, keep in mind the following—and make sure you are ready for a wild ride!

In a household with two adults who work a normal 9 to 5 schedule, or a household where one of the adults stays home to keep the house in order and take care of the children, even when life is busy, the family can usually plan for certain activities AROUND the work schedule. In a freelance household—anything goes and chaos reigns. A freelance writer may wind up with an amazing contract that will give a nice boost to the family’s bank account. However, that contract may be a rush order that is dropped in the writer’s lap late Friday afternoon. Flexibility is important.

A household where one of the main breadwinners is a freelancer requires a rock solid budget—with wiggle room. It will be very important that the family monitor what money is coming in and what money is going out. Some months may be very lean; therefore, a savings account with accessible funds is vital. When times are good, the family must be prudent about putting away money for those lean times.

While it may seem crazy to marry a freelancer when you consider the chaos that he or she will bring into a relationship, there are many benefits as well. How many jobs can be done at home in an office, from a pop up camper room in the mountains or even poolside in sunny Florida? A freelance writer has the freedom to work from nearly anywhere making long trips more of a possibility. In addition, since quite a bit of freelance writing work can be done at home, it can allow for a savings in childcare costs in some households.

If you have the right mindset, being married to a freelance writer can be an exciting adventure. After all, your partner is doing something that many only dream of—making a living writing. Just remember, if you get aggravated that your freelance writer partner forgot to go to the store and there is nothing to eat around the house, smile and go bring him or her a coffee and a couple of donuts; this project will be done soon!


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