How to create a WordPress site without coding?

Creating a blog, website, or e-commerce on WordPress is quick and can be done without any coding knowledge. In this post, we'll show you why to choose this platform, how to set up and customize themes, and how to make your site perform as best as possible, attracting new customers.

Updated: February 12, 2021
how to create a wordpress site without coding

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Did you know it is possible to have a fully functional and attractive website for your company without writing a single line of code?

For sure, it is not ideal if you are trying to optimize lead generation and conversions while focusing on security and data protection. But, to start building your presence online, you can quickly set up and create a WordPress site without coding.

Want to know how? In this post, we’ll show you how to start your blog or site, how to imprint in it your brand’s visual identity, and why the best way to build a great code-free site is counting on specialized help. Here are the topics we will discuss:

Why use WordPress?

Before we go to practice, let’s talk a little about why WordPress is the best solution for your business’ online presence.

Of course, the platform is simple to use even for those who don’t know much about coding. But there is more to it.

WordPress is a fully-featured, ever-growing, and community-based service. It is free to start and offers everything you need to create and manage content-focused websites.

It contains a complete suite that can be expanded via user-made themes and plugins. All of that can help you customize your site, improve security, expand visibility with SEO, and measure numbers to constantly improve conversions.

Also, it is ready for collaboration with multiple users. This means you can keep control over your site even with a whole team working on it, including outside help.

How to create a WordPress website without coding?

Now that we talked about why WordPress is the right choice for a business that is starting its digital strategy, let’s see how easy it is to create and set up your website without coding, using free themes. Here are the steps!

1. Create your account

The first step is to visit and create your administrative account. Registering and using WordPress is free, so it’s best to start fresh, with a corporate profile used only to set up and manage your company’s website.

2. Create a new site

On your home dashboard, you will find the “Add new site” option.

By clicking on it, you will be able to take simple steps to put it up and running, like choosing a name, a free domain (you can redirect to yours later), some plugin packs, and other basic information.

3. Find the perfect theme for the brand

While setting up the website for the first time, you are presented to some ready-to-go themes but you don’t need to be restricted to them.

When the website creating process is done, you can start giving shape to your new online space. The theme you choose will make a significant difference in your success.

There are two ways to find the perfect free WordPress theme that fits your business and your brand. The built-in search engine on the platform can be found at Appearance > Themes.

But you can also search on Google for more variety. Just keep in mind that themes outside WordPress can present some flaws that will need coding to be corrected. Thus, choose carefully and test a lot before deciding.

Even the certified ones aren’t optimized for a unique and strong brand presence, so adjust your expectations about what can be done with no coding.

But what is the right theme? First of all, it is the one designed for your kind of business. If you want a blog to launch a Content Marketing strategy via CMS, you need a content-focused page. If you want to create an online store, the theme needs to be completely different.

Not only that, the right one will give your brand a space to shine. Your site will be quick and responsive and will deliver the best UX possible to your customers.

4. Customize your free theme

It doesn’t matter the theme you choose, it won’t come suited for your brand. Therefore, it is time to find the right colors, fonts, and layouts.

Fortunately, WordPress has a native tool for customizing all these aspects without any need for coding. You just use an intuitive and simple menu to shape your website according to your brand’s identity.

The options are limited, of course, but they can help you match your website visuals with your brand persona better.

5. Find and install plugins

One of WordPress’s richness is in its plugins — sets of tools that bring more features and customization to your website.

The official marketplace for them offers a great variety of plugins for free, including those that can improve your theme customization options.

6. Start creating and measuring

With your free theme ready, it is time to fill pages with content. How you do that will depend on your goals and the website’s purpose.

But the universal good practice is to always measure the audience’s response and tweak visuals and layout based on that.

What is the importance of a good hosting?

As you can see, it’s really easy to create a WordPress site with a free theme without coding. The hard part of doing that for yourself is optimizing it for better user experience and, even more important, SEO.

A great business website needs to climb positions on Google based on relevant keywords, to attract and retain leads, and, of course, to boost conversions.

Doing that without knowing how to code is possible when you have the right partners at your side. That’s exactly what Stage can offer you.

Stage is a complete solution for hosting, designing, and managing WordPress websites — from a blog that becomes a reference to an online store that stands out in sales.

Our specialized professionals will work with you to find the right themes, the right content, and the best way to improve SEO and user experience.

We do everything your site needs to make it a conversion machine so you can focus on your business. All of that is done in the most popular and familiar platform, so you can be part of this evolution.

As you saw here, it is possible to create a WordPress site without coding but it’s hard to stand out just by doing that. Your brand needs visibility and uniqueness. It deserves to embody all your vision in its online presence.

Why don’t you start right now? Visit Stage and start your free test today!

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