8 Effective Interactive Assessment Examples

8 Effective Interactive Assessment Examples

Need more conversions and sales? Create interactive experiences with Ion!

Marketing strategies are changing at a rapid pace to meet the way consumers and end-users engage with online content.

Interactive assessments have emerged as the answer to bring more engagement and relevance to your brand.

Online assessments are growing in popularity this year. While it gives highly relevant and personalized results to the user, it also generates valuable insights for the marketing and sales teams.

Not to mention it’s a highly effective way to offer something different than the usual, besides advice and education.

Keep on reading to discover the best interactive assessment examples.

    Why are interactive assessments so important?

    Attracting your customer’s attention can be a real challenge nowadays when it comes to this busy digital space, where everybody is trying to stand out. Content and brands are abundant no matter where you look at. 

    So to call it towards your direction, you can rely on interactive assessment tools, offering a new way of engagement. It’s more active than reading and watching because it proposes something to be played with. A whole new experience!

    For consumers:

    For marketing and sales teams:

    • generate more leads
    • gain valuable data to create a follow-up
    • uncover customer needs

    But how does it work? Interactive assessments have a personal touch, built to match your customers’ preferences based on their answers.

    Compared to a quiz, it tends to be longer and more skill-based. This means that the assessment will provide a score with personalized feedback for the user and valuable insights for marketing and sales teams. 

    Through an assessment, your audience is invited to engage with your brand and reflect on their needs. You can add an opt-in form to the page and grow your email list with qualified leads.

    And when you send the results, you can share recommendations according to their preferences. Let’s get to know more about this interactive tool.

    Educate buyers from the start

    You might know it already, but one of the best uses of interactive content is related to the educational proposes. According to a report by Demand Metric, 93% consider interactive content very effective at educating consumers. 

    This is really important when it comes to the buyer’s journey. It’s through relevant content that qualified leads are driven from the top to the bottom of the sales funnel, where they’re turned into customers. 

    Achieve lead generation goals

    Speaking of the funnel, here comes another great benefit which turns interactive assessment tools into powerful resources. Remember that today’s audience can be very selective and picky, which means it’s more difficult to inspire form fills. 

    In order to do so, you need to exceed the expectations and offer value through the content. When it’s interactive, the customers engage and receive personalized results based on their scores. It makes the opt-in/permission form worth it. 

    All you need is a questionnaire and feedback variations. When you’re done, you can repurpose this assessment, swapping the questions and the answers. It takes less time and money than a webinar or a white paper, for example.

    Fill gaps in your marketing strategy

    A good marketing strategy is all about relationships. There is only one way to make things more personal: understanding your customer’s needs and pains.

    With interactive assessment tools, you are able to collect more than the name, email, phone number, and other useful information. You can go far beyond the basics, and fully understand your prospects’ needs, allowing you to follow up with a personalized approach.

    Strengthen connections with customers

    Attracting more clients is important to keep lead generation moving forward, but that’s not all. Think about your current customers. They can be a key factor for your marketing strategy success when it comes to recommendations and referrals. 

    There is no need to limit your approach, so you can also try using interactive assessment tools here. A different and more engaging experience helps to keep them interested, interact, have fun, build trust and loyalty. Meanwhile, you’re still collecting insights.

    What are the main types of assessment tools?

    There are different types of assessment tools with a wide range of purposes. In this article, we’ll show three main uses: diagnostic, formative, and summative. But first, it’s important to highlight that interactive assessment tools are so engaging that they can be applied at every stage of the buyer’s journey.

    To choose the best one for your brand, you should focus on an area where the company excels. Use best practices or benchmarks you already have to create the questionnaire and learn about your audience’s needs. Let’s explore some possibilities.


    This assessment is used to “diagnose” information regarding your audience. In a few words, it’s the stage where you’re getting to know your customers’ needs. Diagnostic assessments measure where the leads are in the sales funnel. Marketers can use this tool to discover where the consumers need help and can guide their actions based on feedback.


    This type can be considered a step forward. Here, you already know your audience’s needs and monitor them while providing and collecting feedback. Based on this exchange you’ll know what to focus on down the line. Here you’ll also find gaps in order to make your marketing strategy more effective, while you educate the buyers. 


    Lastly, this type of assessment is used as a checkpoint to evaluate how much you’ve helped your customers. The results can be used to evaluate accountability, effectiveness, and to bring even more value to the next assessment. It’s also a good way to make sure your current and long-term clients are not being left behind.

    Top 8 Interactive Assessment Examples

    Now you know the importance of interactive assessment tools and how they can leverage your digital marketing strategy, you can count on quick starts provided by platforms like Ion Interactive to give the first step.

    Just pick the model you want and customize the templates as you wish.

    To give you some assessment inspiration, let’s look at a few interactive assessment examples from around the web!

    1. Content Marketing Institute

    Content Marketing Institute has a good example to evaluate your content marketing strategy. The welcome page shows the main question about this assessment and brings data collected from a CMI report. Then, before starting, you may choose between B2C or B2B.

    2. ScribbleLive

    ScribbleLive also asks about content marketing through this assessment. You can learn about the maturity of your strategy, capture insights, explore what other marketers are doing, and get access to a detailed guide in under five minutes.

    3. Dell Mobility Assessment

    What you can learn from an example of Dell? In this mobility assessment, the company is researching mobile solutions for enterprises. Once you start to answer, you can follow your progress through a bar above the questionnaire. 

    4. Five9

    Here’s an example with many possibilities. When you enter the welcome page of the Contact Center Metrics Benchmark Assessment, you can select one of the four areas (tech support, sales, customer service, or blended) that better reflect your business. 

    5. Merrill Datasite

    This assessment bet on another type of questionnaire to evaluate business needs. On the welcome page, you have some useful information, such as the number of questions and what you’ll find out in the end. There is also a progress bar below the answers. 

    6. Website Grader

    HubSpot is full of resources to inspire you as well, such as this interactive tool called Website Grader. It’s used to evaluate how strong is your website by asking for the URL and your email. After this, it gives you a general grade and also points for each element (performance, mobile, SEO, and security). At the end of the page, you get an invitation for a free trial. 

    7. BMW

    What about BMW? Here, they give you the chance to design your own car based on the models the brand offers. There are a lot of options and, when you choose one to begin, the possibilities of customization include design, interior, exterior, accessories, and other things.

    8. SmartSize

    The last example comes from SmartSize. This assessment gives you the option to customize your steam shower. The first page asks for length, width, height, and material.

    Wrap Up

    Regardless of the format you choose, interactive assessment tools are a powerful way to engage users.

    When your content marketing strategy gives something to share and talk about, your conversion rate tends to increase. So both the customers and your marketing team gain from it.

    Since we’re talking about interactive content marketing, let’s try a quick assessment to see how you stand out from the crowd.


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