Improve Your 2022 SEO Strategy with These Crucial SEO Statistics

Knowledge is everything when it comes to putting together a winning SEO strategy that will really take you places. Here are the most crucial SEO statistics to know this year to stay ahead of your competition and smash your marketing goals.

Updated: May 11, 2023
Improve Your 2022 SEO Strategy with These Crucial SEO Statistics

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When it comes to key focuses that keep your business and brand growing exponentially, it doesn’t get more essential than search engine optimization (SEO). 

After all, you can build a fantastic website full of amazing content and products for sale, but it won’t matter if no one can find it. 

A great SEO campaign is crucial for attracting the valuable organic search rankings and web traffic your website needs to succeed.

But a great strategy doesn’t happen by accident. It’s the result of careful research combined with focused efforts, and timely SEO statistics are a big part of that. 

Your competitors are likely already in the know and hard at work on their winning strategies for this year. Here are some critical SEO statistics you need to know, too, to keep up and ultimately get ahead.

    1. First-page results attract 95% of search traffic

    Naturally, you already know how important it is to score as high a position on a search engine results page (SERP) as possible. 

    What you may not understand is how drastically your chances of attracting clicks plummet the further you rank from the top.

    An incredible 95 percent of search traffic goes to first-page results on Google and other search engines, so making page one is essential. 

    And yes, you still want to rank as high up on that first page as you can. The first organic result on the first SERP snags 33 percent of the traffic, while the second attracts 18 percent. 

    Once you’re seventh or lower on the list, you’re only getting 4 percent or less, so always aim for the top.

    2. Nearly 70% of online interactions start via a search engine

    A thorough, well-rounded SEO campaign is more important than ever these days. 

    Search engine queries are still by far the most common way internet users discover new websites, with 68 percent of web experiences originating from search engines.

    And although paid results are definitely part of that equation, you don’t want to lose focus of your efforts to rank for organic searches. 

    Over half of today’s web traffic — an incredible 53 percent — comes from organic search results, proving that search engine optimization is still a must.

    3. Close to a third of all mobile searches are location-based

    SEO isn’t just important for web-based businesses. It’s also a crucial part of how customers discover, research, and select traditional brick-and-mortar businesses in their area. 

    What’s more, your local customers are doing a lot of their location-based web searches on the go.

    Nearly one in three Google mobile searches relate to a specific location. And about 76 percent of those who use their mobile devices to look for something in their vicinity wind up walking through the front doors of a brick-and-mortar business within the next 24 hours. 

    About 28 percent go on to finalize a purchase, so definitely make sure your SEO strategy is location-based and mobile-friendly.

    4. As compared to social media, SEO is responsible for 1000% more traffic

    Social media is definitely a vital part of any marketing campaign. It helps consumers make a personal connection with your brand and fosters customer loyalty with those who already buy from you.

    But it doesn’t even come close to SEO when it comes to driving traffic to your website.

    The average SEO campaign generates 1000 percent more traffic than the average social media campaign. 

    In other words, you can’t afford to let your SEO strategy fall by the wayside.

    5. A business that spends over $500 on SEO services is 53% more likely to be satisfied with results

    If you’re thinking of turning your SEO campaign over to professional service providers this year, you’ll likely get what you paid for. 

    Business owners who paid more than $500 per month for professional SEO services were 53.3 percent more likely to report extreme satisfaction with the results than those who spent less.

    In other words, it’s essential to see third-party SEO help as an investment in the future of your business. 

    Experience, expertise, and strong track records for success may come attached to higher price tags, but they’re more likely to deliver the results you’re looking for.

    6. Moving up even one spot on a SERP can improve click-through rates by over 30%

    We’ve touched on how important it is to not only make the first page of Google SERPs but to rank as highly as possible. 

    But you don’t have to rocket your pages all the way to number one overnight to see your average click-through rate (CTR) improve.

    Even a modest one-position increase will get you started in the right direction with an incredible 30.8 percent CTR improvement

    However, there’s a catch, as it does matter which positions you’re moving to and from. 

    If your move only lands you at position seven or lower, your CTR may not improve much. On the other hand, going from third place to second will likely be a huge game-changer.

    7. Around 80% of Google’s algorithm relies on off-site factors to determine rank

    Search engines are getting smarter all the time. They’re also considering an increasing number of factors when assessing the relevancy of a particular site. 

    According to Google itself, up to 80 percent of its famous algorithm looks to off-site criteria to determine SERP rankings.

    Content quality and relevancy are the most crucial of these criteria, followed by mobile compatibility and overall user experience. 

    Page speed, on-page optimization, and both internal and external links are also critical. In other words, Google strongly favors websites that focus on providing a streamlined, high-quality experience on every level.

    8. Businesses in the B2B channel generate twice the organic search revenue

    If you’re in the B2B sector (or plan on exploring it soon), then attracting organic search traffic via solid SEO efforts is even more critical for you than it would be otherwise. 

    On average, B2B businesses see twice the revenue coming in via organic search than businesses in any other channel.

    That said, make sure you’re loading your site with high-value multimedia content designed with your target audience in mind. 

    You’ll want to establish robust presences on B2B-friendly social media platforms like LinkedIn in addition to the typical Facebook-Twitter-Instagram trifecta, as well.

    9. Nearly 50% of consumers browse between 3 and 5 content pieces before engaging with a rep

    This year, great content is about more than just generating organic search engine traffic in the first place. 

    Today’s consumers like to do their homework before pulling the trigger on a necessary purchase. On average, a serious lead will view between three and five pieces of content before deciding to move ahead by engaging a sales rep.

    For that reason, you’ll want to ensure your content not only addresses common concerns shoppers are likely to have but fluidly leads them to additional pieces they’ll find helpful. 

    Of course, an organized site map is a big part of this, but so is a well-established network of internal links.

    10. The average length of a top-ten Google SERP article is about 1500 words

    As you know, quality is Google’s number one priority for its search results, and content length is part of that. 

    Longer articles are considered more likely to deliver the substance curious searchers are looking for, which is reflected in Google’s search results.

    The average length of an article that makes Google’s top ten search results is 1447 words. And articles that successfully score that coveted number-one spot are 2416 words on average. 

    So think long, in-depth, and meaty when it comes to your written content. You’re more likely to satisfy your visitors and Google.

    11. Brands that blog attract 97% more backlinks

    Don’t make the mistake of thinking blogging must be dead by now, because it’s anything but. 

    Even this year, maintaining an active blog is one of the most beneficial things a brand can do for SEO. 

    To begin with, an active blog keeps your site filled with a steady stream of fresh, new content, something search engines like Google really like to see.

    A blog also helps boost SEO by attracting more backlinks, powerful authority signals that help a site rise to the top of relevant SERPs.

    In fact, companies that blog wind up with an incredible 97 percent more backlinks than companies that don’t. And again, focusing on length can help you out even more here, as longer pieces attract 77 more links than shorter alternatives.

    12. Video leads the pack when it comes to content marketing media types

    And don’t forget to add variety to your content marketing campaign by exploring multiple media types, either. 

    Although written content is still incredibly relevant, video is by far the top media choice in content marketing today.

    About 49 percent of marketers say leveraging video in their digital marketing efforts has improved their bottom lines. 

    So look for ways to add it to your company blog, incorporate it into your social media streams, and more. You won’t be sorry.

    Wrap Up: Leverage SEO Statistics to Improve the Maturity of Your Strategy

    Now that you’re up to speed on the most crucial SEO statistics to know as we move further into this year, it’s time to find out how your current SEO strategy measures up to the going standard. 

    Check out our short maturity assessment for a comprehensive look at where you stand! 

    Learn what’s working, pinpoint what’s not, and get a read on where to go next to meet your goals!


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